Are we really gonna let Joe Cumia get away with this? This retarded faggot tried to make up a fake person for this subreddit to harass instead of him.

28  2019-03-14 by TranthonyRapesKids


A card carrying shitposter. How can you not like this guy?

Only Long Island Pure White Trash could write up some fiction this retarded

Attempt at 4d chess by an idiot who thinks he's smart.

Ignorance of the internet.

Domestic violence and possible Oedipus complex.

Trying to victimize a person of color.

Obsession with social check.

I don't know guys. It doesn't seem like Joe at all.

You forgot WALLS OF TEXT. Yeah maybe it isn’t homo Joe after all

As somebody pointed out in the original thread, He started this message by saying "I'll keep this brief" and then posted a wall of text. No chance that it's Joe.

I like how he made the abusive bf a black guy because in his retarded brain he thought he could get this sub shut down if we all ganged up on some random dude, but he DEFINITELY could get it shut down if it was a black dude.

A little taste of their own medicine for the REDDITARDS

Fucking idiot.

I thought we were an SJW sub? Why would he think that'd help the cause?

What do you mean get away with it? It's been called out and mocked dozens of times already.

Even if this story is true, your mom deserved it for mouthing off to Shawn.

Maybe he made his special needs black girl write it for him.

That's not what this was an attempt at, you slobbering retard. Way to come off as even dumber than Joe.

Has nobody called Joe and read him this yet? like do his own gay bit to him and pretend to be a teenage fan of his who needs help while obviously being a grown man.

why are you re-posting this old shit again? this was on the top of this channel for like a whole week..

"And then it hit me...I thought to myself wouldnt it be great if his FB page was attacked in true O&A fashion?"