I wouldn’t be arrogant enough to come in front of Princeps senatus after using garrum and poppy seeds for two days!

191  2019-03-14 by bobodid911


Sulla yuma

This is honestly one of the funniest posts here in recent memory. Thanks for the hearty chuckle.

Here here!

The expression is actually "hear, hear." It's a common mistake made by people whose schooling was free.


Some of the best things in life are free!

Why? How much did your folks cough up to Rick Singer?

I don't know who that is. I went here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_School

Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_School

/r/HelperBot_ Downvote to remove. Counter: 244424


Too clever. What is your sexual orientation?

I am a Vestal Virgin

Again too clever.You are now on the list.

Let's make litter out of these literati.

" Literati delenda est!"

You now have a check mark.

Your words make me feel confused and inadequate. You just made the list smarty pants.

This sub gotsa cracka's ribs hurtin tahday..

This is just really good.

This actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks for your service, faggot.

My wife's last boyfriend had a nose like that. Every time he would come over for dinner, he wouldn't be able to smell anything I was cooking. She said he ate pussy like a champ though.

I hope your wife's current boyfriend is more presentable.

every once in a while someone actually posts something funny here. bravo, faggot, have an up vote.

these "I'm smart, I get that" votes


Hey I got a quick message for u Marius. U ain’t the man. U run for the man. I fear nothing.

Artie's looking better.

Again too clever.You are now on the list.