Let his little brother into his band, wrote songs for him, and got them played on the radio

0  2019-03-14 by Layzerbeamz


great guy. a man of music and culture, a patriot, a veteran. also vehemently opposed to pedophilia unlike a certain fat chested sloth

reminder: gregg "opie" hughes is under investigation for at least 500 counts of child rape and kidnapping. 100% confirmed

I’m jumping on this bandwagon, not the Opie part but I’m with you on otherwise.

After reading this, I hate Joe again.

Joe is a good guy whose done a lot of his family and those less fortunate than himself.

I think we all should Joe a little more gratitude. He’s the glue holding this shit hole together right now.

I for one have become Pro Bro Joe.

Me too. Joe is a lovable, innocently stupid, good dude I think this sub is starting to recognize that. 2019 might just be Joe’s year.

I hope you both spin hopelessly into one another due to black ice.

In all fairness to Joe; If my little brother had asked to join my band at a young age I probably would have said something like: "Uh oh, what's this? Oh no, you gotta fight the music king first!" Then I'd put him in the Tazmission and tap him out infront of my shitty friends.

Wresting is gay.

Nigger I'll Take u out

I go away for a couple days and you faggots all start worshipping Joe? Because some 15 year old giggly weiner called him and Joe had a friendly conversation with him because he's a lonely old fag? Seriously. Joe genuinely sounds sad when he says "I'll probably never talk to you again.." like he's fishing for the guy to meet up with him for gay sex, which he probably did.

That “interview” was terrible.

You heard him guys, we better shape up or ship out.

Love it or LUMP IT, pal!

He looks like he sweats olive oil

He smells like he sweats sewage

More like sweats st. ides, porch monkey looking ass nigga