What a great man.

309  2019-03-13 by RBuddCumia


wow colin is really running on fumes at this point huh?

You on first name terms?

This guy gets it.

Finally, some intelligent thought around here!

He was always an unfunny faggot

Dont it sound like in street fighter 2 when e honda does the missle headbutt hes also saying "lose weight" in a gutteral voice. And doesnt it kind of sound like when vega beats u in street fighter 2 one of his victory poses he says "you look like a lady"

I thought I was retarded for a second there. I had to re-read that shit to figure out wtf vos was trying to say.


Rit-chh Vo-th is the dumbest human alive


As Jim has said in the past He was leaving out a decimal point


They add a hundred points

Oh shit, he's almost as smart as Owen Benjamin then.

that guy writes professionally

Writing is easy. You can have awful grammar and bad spelling, but still become a published author multiple times over. Editors, my man! EDITORS!


Developmental editor (shape the narrative) + line editor (language polishing) + copy editor (grammar, punctuation, spelling errors) + Proofreader (finds errors other editors missed) = idiot with a publishing credit (Anthony Cumia).

Copy editing

Copy editing (also copyediting, sometimes abbreviated ce) is the process of reviewing and correcting written material to improve accuracy, readability, and fitness for its purpose, and to ensure that it is free of error, omission, inconsistency, and repetition. In the context of publication in print, copy editing is done before typesetting and again before proofreading, the final step in the editorial cycle.In the United States and Canada, an editor who does this work is called a copy editor. An organization's highest-ranking copy editor, or the supervising editor of a group of copy editors, may be known as the copy chief, copy desk chief, or news editor. In book publishing in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world that follow British nomenclature, the term copy editor is used, but in newspaper and magazine publishing, the term is subeditor (or sub-editor), commonly shortened to sub.

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Manhattan is a city of 87 million people.

What a nincompoop vos is.

This is the result of inbreeding. People around Jesus’s time looked (and short) like him

I dont understand what he wrote. I've honestly tried to like Vos over the years, but it seems impossible.

I love him for his stupidity. But make no mistake his stupidity is bottomless.


Nice Oxford comma, stupid.

You don’t know what an Oxford comma is, stupid.

I've read that several times now...is he trying to make a joke saying that if he didn't think Colin could help him he would have blocked him?

guess i fahgot to laff

The amount of colin dick sucking here is amazing

Hit em with the 141 iq

I love him for his stupidity. But make no mistake his stupidity is bottomless.