How are these real people?

65  2019-03-13 by RBuddCumia


Holy shit. Looks like Sammy has eaten one too many chicken nuggies.

He’s packing on mass

Hahahahaha wow

Can someone close to Jim please tell him those glasses make him look 10x worse than he already looks?

Nice ironic granny glasses, stupid

What's the deal with Jims octogenarian Eminem impression?

I think you can just say Eminem at this point. considering he hasn't changed his look since 2000, so safe to say eighty year old Em will look the same as now. They're both faggots as well.



Hey it’s that ugly faggot Sam trying to co-opt the Mick Foley look again.

Sam looks like an infant that got granted a wish to be a big boy for a day.

Tom Hanks is...(half)Nig

So basically like Tom Hanks from Big, stupid

Hahaha i forgot about his lady glasses. He just takes stabs at fashion.

Tfw Sam Roberts is the most masculine looking of the bunch.

There’s not a T-cell to be found amongst all three of them.

You guys might not like it, but that's a prime display of modern alpha male big dick energy.

Too much masculine energy in that room. Glad Jim balances it out with a female trainer.

Looks like a poster in Germany around 1933.

There should be a firing squad behind the camera

They look like old ladies at the grocery store.

Nice Beldar head and Kitty Carlisle glasses, stupid.

Looks like a BDSM meet-up group.

teft looks like he has severe knock knees and thighs that range in color from toilet seat (outside) to hamburger (where they chaif)

they're not people!

they look like kids who's parents locked them in a basement for 20 years

Sam's beard looks like the first hairy pussy I saw in 1986

This is what happens when the content of your character changes how you look. Also the ravages of VD.

I can't believe this is what's left of Opie and Anthony. These three girls.

I'm embarrassed I ever found this world.

Jim must be struggling to get a gig these days.

fucking immature midgets

These people are real because God doesn't love us

The 3 of em combined have less T than Missy