
292  2019-03-13 by RapistWithHIV


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Zooms in to see a ball sack slip, then vigorously licks his lips. Perfectly normal, heterosexual behavior.

Norton legit has the mannerisms of a psychopath and admitted to raping a blacked-out, under-aged little girl and 'keeps his hard drive in a safe'.

He also lives in a Norman Bates style apartment, and had mother issues well into his 30s (and probably still does).

The worm really is a psychopath, he probably has more bodies than John Wayne Gacy

0 empathy, only capable of mimicking social interaction

This is exactly the type of posts Norton works toward. Congratulations, rube.

People with ASPD(Psychopaths) are not generally violent; see my other post in this thread. 'Psychopaths' fit the profile of Norton; just not a violent one. Most simply drift through life sucking people dry financially, emotionally and spiritually and bullying people and shit like that.

I didn't realize this was a character agenda work. There are some people on the Stern sub that believe being Jewish and wearing red and black on a 1999 appearance of the Magic Hour is proof of his connections with a deep state Satanic order so I'm very well educated in this type of nonsense.

Nigger What?

Your character, the pontificating armchair psychologist, it bores me. I'd stop doing it if I were you, especially saying things like "refer to my profile for more research I've done", it disgusts me parents of low stock such as yours freely breed.

I couldn't understand your first post and this one reads like a SAMCRO Joe post trying very hard to be more intelligent than you are. Try not to choke on rocks tonight you fucking retard

Refer to my previous posts. Thank you.

Comic book guy talkin motherfucker

Awe, what's wrong, no more responses with your sodomite ramblings and heartfelt stories about how you sat and diagnosed your shit head friends like the worm himself?

Leave it alone

Shut up, you named after a Pokemon fag.

Stick to baby noises. It's more your speed

Damn dude. You got me there and showed how incredibly well you spend your time that you immediately responded to me.

You wanna get the stick again, boy? Ok, here it goes!

Damn dude, you really have no other way to spend your time, huh?

That took you awhile, I wont throw it so far this time so I expect it back promptly.

Who spends their entire day on reddit, eagerly awaiting LE ORANGERED to joyfully reply to shitposts in a seconds?

That's much better, let's see if you can make it back faster, I want to see if I can improve you

Your character, the pontificating armchair psychologist, it bores me.

This guy pictures himself as some fat faggot reclining and being fed grapes. It's partially true.

I know what part is true!

he does like grapes

"It bores me".

You got a way with words buddy, stick it to him!

and his cartoon sucked

and he never once paid for drugs

Not. Once.

He doesn't have the balls, let alone the physical strength, to kill anyone.

He wishes he was some crazy, sick nutjob. He tries to be. But really his pathology is a thousand times more banal and pedestrian. He's a tedious little turd.

The vast majority of 'Psychopaths' (Psychopath isn't a recognised diagnosis even within the psych community, the closest thing is ASPD in the DSM) don't kill and aren't violent; they're mainly impulsive, lack empathy and are manipulative. But they understand 'carrots-and-sticks'; that is they understand negative consequences; that they'll likely end up in prison for murder so a huge negative incentive (life imprisonment for murder) acts a huge deterrent to people with ASPD.

I think I've said this here before but I've been diagnosed with 'conduct disorder' (basically the child equivalent and precursor to ASPD) and I have carried a lot of ASPD traits into adulthood. I know what people with ASPD are like because I am like that to a large extent myself and have socialized with people who have it. One of my friends murdered for money and is in life for min. 31 years for murder with a firearm, but I had another friend who was basically a parasite worm version of ASPD. He'd guilt/use pity-ploy people constantly and drain people financially. Motherfucker even got me to believe in him once. He was just like Norton. Scummy backstabbing worm.

Anyway my point is, Jim legit has ASPD, I know too much about this shit cause I've been in psychotherapy for it myself and have been surrounded by people with it and his mannerisms and the way he copies people is unmistakable. People with ASPD who end up murdering people usually have lower IQs and higher impulsivity, they sometimes think they can get away with it. The majority of people with ASPD simply drift through life like Norton sucking people dry financially, emotionally and spiritually and bullying people and shit like that.

You should call into Jim's show & give him some advice.

I wouldn't want to motherfuck him by bringing up the time he openly admitted to statutory rape of an intoxicated child

You said "he probably has more bodies than Gacy" so I took you as meaning you thought he'd literally murdered people.

Yeah I get that, I was being hyperbolic there, although in all seriousness Norton probably would poison a tranny that motherfucked him if he thought he could get away with it. He's probably too much of a pussy thinking about getting caught and no more pampering and eggwhites I agree but I wouldn't put it past the soulless worm to end someone's life over a minor slight if he could get away with it. He has no soul

Tell us more about A Suckin Peckah Disorder

teehee tsss

No baby noises

I was using it sarcastically. Do I need to add an /s sir?

No sarcastic baby noises either

What about /tss??

I would think that the potentiality for prison is a huge aversion to murder, aspd or not. Am I wrong, or am I just an aspd having nut job myself?

Recklessness and a sense of invulnerability usually is hand-in-hand with this stuff.

Recklessness, a sense of invulnerability and the confidence you can get out of anything usually is hand-in-hand with this stuff.

That basically describes why I'm successful in my career.

Sure, because that mentality works great for the person doing it. Until it doesn't. Eventually they go back to the same well too often or too quickly, and get caught with their dick out.

Sure, because that mentality works great for the person doing it. Until it doesn't. Eventually they go back to the same well too often or too quickly, and get caught with their dick out.

When I was in my early 30s I met a girl who was even more sociopathic than I was, and she had half a million in the bank. I noticed that she was so extreme with her insane behavior, she basically got to the point where she had to move out-of-state because she'd burned so many bridges in Seattle.

Having said that, she lives in Silicon Valley and is a multi-millionaire now. Being psycho was a 'speed bump' it seems.

Didn't you faggots in the "psyc community" stop classifying trannies as mentally ill recently? Answer for that shit.

The majority of people with ASPD simply drift through life like Norton sucking people dry financially, emotionally and spiritually and bullying people and shit like that.

I discovered "the dark triad" today, and my first thought was "are Opie and Anthony fans literally psychopaths?"

For instance, I fit the Machiavellian profile. When O&A were nearly canceled on XM, I remember my rage was mostly because I couldn't comprehend how people were offended by the show. Like, I don't get it. To me, nothing's shocking.

The funniest thing I ever saw in my life was that scene in Pulp Fiction where the dude gets his head blown off, I nearly passed out laughing.

But now it's hit me, maybe fans of this type of humor are kinda fucked in the head? :O

Sometimes me and my chick get really DARK

They didn't show Marvin's head getting blown off and it was a funny scene so you're probably not as dark as you think you are. Why would you want to be, evil sucks.

Why would you want to be, evil sucks.

But isn't that the fundamental disconnect between Opie and Anthony fans and regular people?

We think "Nigger vs Nazi" is funny, normal people think it's evil.

The average person is an ass.

He knows everything there is to know about serial killers. Seriously, he let everyone know

He doesn't have the balls, let alone the physical strength, to kill anyone.

He's been working out for years now. You'd be shocked at how far he could drag a small child body

Unless that child weighs less than the 4lb housewife dumbbells he's been working out with, I would be stunned.


He's just an awkward, boring nerd, nothing deeper. He keeps his hard drive in a safety deposit box because he's afraid hackers will steal his online banking pin, not because of his daaaark shit man.

People can have personality disorders and be boring too, Jim has ASPD imo. He's not cool or violent just a manipulative parasite of a human being; who has to emulate normal human everyday gestures because he has no empathy thus cannot truly relate to another human and put himself in another's shoes, leading to events such as


Yeah but your characterizations of what type of a psychopath you imagined him to be were way off. Besides the sexual assault of course.

wait wat

I am 100% serious apart from the murder thing he's probably too scared of getting caught but wants to rape and murder every worthless waitress that fucks up his eggwhites and mustard

Worm will edge to this post for hours when he sees it, it's the exact kind of personality the neurotic little gremlin tried to cultivate over the years.

It's true apart from the violence thing, that was just hyperbole. He's a back-stabbing, untrustworthy, manipulative worm. Pretty much the definition of someone with ASPD. Maybe I shouldn't have said psychopath because it implies violence somehow. Norton is just a empty husk of a human being who can't relate to people and he is only motivated by self-interest.

It wasn't hyperbole until people started wondering why your adderall rants were getting any attention in the first place. You said you guaranteed Norton has as many bodies in his apartment as Gacy. Then you said most psychopaths aren't violent. Then you said he's a psychopath but too afraid to kill. Then you said you guarantee he will poison a hooker.

When you crash in another 3 hours, your account will just become a monument to the shame of your whole existence.

Fuck off faggot, how about that

Good boy.

You really showed me, straight-edge pokeman fan. Haunter94 gets his advice from Henry Rollins

Yeah, I really affected your life so much that you came back to praise me over a day later. Your life belongs to me now.

It wasn't hyperbole until people started wondering why your adderall rants were getting any attention in the first place.

I thought we were all on drugs

It's true apart from the violence thing, that was just hyperbole. He's a back-stabbing, untrustworthy, manipulative worm. Pretty much the definition of someone with ASPD.

Honest to God, I think that was a big part of the weird dynamic of Opie and Anthony.

For instance, Opie would frequently go to Jim's shows, in an effort to demonstrate support.

Anthony wouldn't pee on Jim if he was on fire; he's never been to Norton's shows, he didn't go to Steve C's funeral, he doesn't do shit for anyone unless he thinks it will get his dick sucked.

Naturally, Jim gravitated towards Ant, because they're both fucking mental.

Norton legit has the mannerisms of a psychopath and admitted to raping a blacked-out, under-aged little girl and 'keeps his hard drive in a safe'.

There's a common thread among serial killers:


Jim Norton has all the other characteristics of a serial killer, but lacks that one. I think what happens with serial killers is that they get good at pretending to be normal people; for instance an acquaintance of mine worked with The Green River Killer and never suspected a thing.

Jim is like the opposite of that; he has some fairly tedious perversions and won't shut up about them.

Psychopaths don't have sex with corpses because it's their kink, they just don't care. I can see the worm slipping into a hooker after he/she ODed on top of him.

This makes me think, why hasn't anyone tried to MeToo Norton yet

You can only MeToo celebrities.

It should be acceptable to throw tomatoes at audience members.

This version includes hand clutching.

He is like a middle school play.

You cap that yourself?

I am gay with myself.

This is exactly how he would act if the director called for him to react to a loved one getting killed or brutally beaten.

He looks like a woman watching her husband in a fight

You really don't think this is a genuine reaction he's having???

U know how much of a faggot he'd have to be -- if he was sitting between 2 respected MMA fighters in seats -- and thought to himself:

"If I act really animated and gesticulate with my movement - like I'm slipping a fucking jab with the fighter in the ring.....then, then ppl will know....I'm into this"

Jim Norton is pretty consistent when it comes to authenticity & integrity. Idk sir.....I think you're way off base. Otherwise - he'd have to be the biggest faggot on earth.

You can always count on imager

I genuinely can't stand this phony faggot. I can't even look at him, it's that bad.

I can't even look at him, it's that bad.

Awww baby boy


Little cunt won't even look at him.

I saw Jim live about 2 years ago. His act was meh but the crowd was good and he put on a decent show. It was his first show in London so I emailed him thanking him for coming and shit and proceeded to kiss his ass for about 4 sentences. He emailed me back thanking me and for about a second I felt warm and validated inside.

I have to live with that fucking memory for the rest of my life. Im going to kill myself in the most violent way possible, maybe jump into a jet engine.

Did you post about that back then? That rings a hell of a bell

Oh god I hope not.

Need a lift to the airport?

You didn't have to share that with us. I appreciate your candor, also you're gay

I'm an over-sharing little faggot.

Jim tweeted an article I wrote a few years back. It was the pinnacle of 2015 for me. I'm a huge faggot.

I don't know, that's still pretty cool. Cooler than my story. But yes, it comes with faggotry.

Jim laughed at a Tweet of mine during Jocktober in 2012, so I'm a bigger faggot than both of you combined.

Did it make you feel special?

I pay trans men to nail me in the ass. I'm a bigger faggot than all 3 of you

Fezzy lol'd at an email I sent. I was full of pride. Does that make me as big a fag as you?

Fezzy came to my nudes

Who wouldn't though?


All of you, stop this.

I got lots of lines on Paltalk mentioned on air in 2012.

I've also gotten gold on this subreddit twice under different names.


You'll always be ApeNia to us.

Just a charcter I play on reddit that happens to be 100% correct.

Which show were they jocktoering (if you remember)

I don't recall.

God you nerds. If i see any of you around here again ill beat u up

Yea he's from London , Ye he's gay

Jesus its gay enough already that your a brit but this just puts you off the charts.

Im just happy I excel at something

So when you suck cocks, do you just go all the way to the base immediately, or do you work your way you to it?

He goes to the root

Niggas be sending thank you notes over in London.

You live in London. You're already dead...

I converted to Islam a few years ago for a Muslim girl. I wear the Hijab in the relationship. This Quran book is a decent read. My wife and I are thinking about setting up a family in the US. We’ve always wanted a big family.

The MMA community was all about little bitch gossip about all the bitch ass insecure MMA fighters, I have yet to see anyone of then say the name jirn morton

I want to cut his arms off then kick him off a cliff

top 10 anime deaths

I don't know what that means. I just wanted to put him in an imaginary situation where it would be appropriate for him to flail his arms but he couldn't.

It sounded like a scene in an anime cartoon but tbf I didn't watch any of them, apart from DBZ that was the shit

His mannerisms and personality are totally repulsive to me, he really reminds me of some absolute scumbags I knew once upon a time. The arm flailing thing didn't get me because it's just a sidenote. I somehow hate Norton more than Nana even though Nana is a child predator, but it's a close call

Its something virgins write on YouTube comments. They seem to also favor anime betrayals

Traffic cop in Calcutta.

I want to cut his arms off then kick him off a cliff

Lawrence Singleton raped a teenager, chopped off her arms, and kicked her off a cliff. After finishing his prison sentence, he got out and murdered a prostitute.

Wow, that teenager sounds like fucking Die Hard

Bisping is drinking alcohol next to him.... why isn’t he freaking out ? I thought he couldn’t be near alcohol. Absolute fraud.

Bisping looks super glad he went with Jim lol

Eewwwww phony wormy faggot

The guy to norton's left is literally manhandling the worm, trying to get the over-animated queer to sit the fuck down.

Nice catch.

I think that might be Matt Serra.

just copying bisping

Check out how the bald dude on the left has to put his hand on Jim's shoulder because he's being a phony spazz and blocking the view

There are no hot women in Chicago.


That’s Matt Serra. Former UFC champion and Jim’s co-host of an MMA podcast. He plays the alpha male to Jim’s faggot cocksucker ass. He’s such a nice guy and actually talks to Jim like an equal on the podcast. It’s maddening.

I imagine he makes the exact same expressions while watching Princess Alena cum.

Jim liking MMA should ruin it for you other fags

I don't give a shit about MMA yet I sympathize with the meatheads for having to deal with this phony weasel worming his way into their business.

I feel worse for the WWE fans that need to deal with Sam

I’m convinced he’s on a cocktail of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and probably adderall or some kind of stimulant.

Otherwise known as sober.

I am a dirt bag. But, Jimmy don’t act medication-free.

This tranny fucker gets to sit between two MMA legends pretending to be interested in fights? How did he get his job in MMA again?

Dana White was probably a fan of Jam Nordic when he was on O&A, so he got him the job. He also got Snoop Dogg a job doing commentary on his “contender series” but all of the faggots got upset that he was “disrespecting the fighters” those faggots still love John Norman so that’s why he still has his job even with the ~500 podcast views

The fuck is wrong with him?

Thanks for the virus, dick. My phone won't t stop going to Nordic trans sites!!!

Fucking LOL. Did someone spill a glass of water on him and short circuit his shit? Just kidding, reptiles are waterproof.

Such a phony fucking queer trying to signal to everybody "Hey look! I'm into this cool MMA thing!". He doesn't even know anything about the sport. Fuck this asshole.

You can expect this to be reposted another several dozen times.

I think you should do it weekly and mention the cunt /u/revolvingmonk each time you do

I'm fine with that because most people indicate when something is a re-post. When you don't, it reeks of you trying to take credit for something you didn't make.

You recorded a screen & posted it, Mozart.

Deflect all you want. Doesn't change the fact that you re-post shit other people made and try to make it look like you're the one who came up with it in the first place. Guess I should be flattered that people re-post stuff that originated with me. Looks like you also used the collage of facial expressions from when Norton did the TMZ interview that I made for still pics in Youtube videos. You're welcome for the content and Reddit premium.

People have posted my own equally uncreative screengrabs & gifs numerous times & I couldn't give two shits about who gets credit. I can't imagine being such a needy faggot to care about imaginary accolades for something anyone could have recorded. Maybe if this were some well edited documentary you'd have a case, but a fucking gif? I care about destroying Jim Norton's reputation above all. I suggest you get your priorities in check.

Looks like you also used the collage of facial expressions from when Norton did the TMZ interview that I made for still pics in Youtube videos. You're welcome for the content and Reddit premium.

Next time you export a collage of Jim Norton from mspaint, be sure to file for appropriate copyright ownership, revolvingkike.

I don't give a rats ass about what people have posted of yours and how you took it. You're obviously the one who is a needy little Norton-esque fruit who has to resort to posting shit other people made for "imaginary accolades." Don't try to project your pathetic motivations onto me.

Notice how you've yet to deny that you were trying to pass this off as something you made. Tells me all I need to know. I don't care if it's just a gif or some stupid screengrabs. Anyone else would have made it a "reminder" post as a way to indicate it was something they didn't make.

Stick to whinging about Norton like a scorned girlfriend you unfunny little cunt. That's clearly all you're good for.

You take this shit way too seriously, dweeb. No one seems to agree with you or give a shit about your "craft".

Type more manifestos.

It's great he did. Some of us did not see it the first time. Did that ever occur to you?

For a guy who does a UFC podcast, he knows very little about the UFC.

how many times do you think he awkwardly touched Bisbing

No one, literally no one else around him is acting like that. What a fucking fake poser cunt he is.

Fake ass motherfucker.

These are the type of movements and expressions my ten year old niece will make if she stops in the living room during a football game that she can hear we are excited about. She doesn’t know what is happening on the screen but just wants to be part of the excitement

Popped up on my r/all. Why does everyone had jim?

Old lady reaction

what an annoying old fkn queen

He's only wincing because those precious genitals might get punched

He looks like he's turned on by it. No surprises there.

Who's the super creepy guy in the front smiling...

Blob Kelly grabbing his shoulder like "duuude, sit down duuuude"

Bisping is a saint to humor all these unfunny needy neurotic comics he interacts with.


UFC is a sport for subhumans.

It was his jerk off material for later that night.

Auditioning for a silent film.

Yeah but your characterizations of what type of a psychopath you imagined him to be were way off. Besides the sexual assault of course.

No sarcastic baby noises either

You'll always be ApeNia to us.

Dana White was probably a fan of Jam Nordic when he was on O&A, so he got him the job. He also got Snoop Dogg a job doing commentary on his “contender series” but all of the faggots got upset that he was “disrespecting the fighters” those faggots still love John Norman so that’s why he still has his job even with the ~500 podcast views

I feel worse for the WWE fans that need to deal with Sam

Yeah, I really affected your life so much that you came back to praise me over a day later. Your life belongs to me now.