Might want to update that stupid

0  2019-03-13 by ghostphotobeats


Nice stolen but from Jim and Sam, stupid. Q

You think I listened to that shit enough to steal a bit? The only bit I remember from Jim and Sam was Jim talking about how that guy's mom got murdered

They talked about it yesterday. You’re full of shit

You beat me to it. For sure stolen. They spent a whole segment on his shit website and calendar. I am comfortable enough to admit I listen to show.

Me too, it’s not that bad.

I swear to God lmao I was just googling him

Someone posted some shit about Rich here and I googled Vos to see what he's been doing. It's just a coincidence lol I'm pretty surprised they just covered this.

I'm sure the show still has good moments but I haven't listened to anything new from any O&A members since like 2015. Except for controversial shit that's posted on YouTube lol

He doesn’t really have anything to update it with though. Other than “married to an unfunny cunt” and “occasionally takes his shirt off for wackiness”. Poor Vos, I had such high hopes.

Ira is he Jamaican.