The time Nana creeped on a random child he saw while on vacation

118  2019-03-13 by bovinebrain


disgusting fucks in the comments lapping it up. wtf?!

It's how I imagine a small group of high school boys, gathered excited around the runtymongrel who brought in something he found under an uncle's bed; unaware of the emptiness in his eyes and the bruises under his discount jeans.

That's oddly specific.

A miss is a miss, but a hit on a long shot is what sport is about..

Reminder that just a few years ago if you questioned AntHs pedophilia, you were harassed and called a homosexual

My favorite: “sorry that bully stole your girlfriend.”

Anyone who doesn't think he should be put down definitely fucks kids as well

Calm down, Chris Hansen.

Judge Roy Bean

More like Chris Handsome

Sick fuck.

There was a story in the news a couple of years ago where some British guy on holiday in Spain who caught a Dutch pedophile taking pictures of his kids by the pool. The Brit lost it and beat the guy to death in front of horrified holidaymakers. Where's that guy when you need him?

Probably in a British rehabilitation camp for oppressing that German's rights

Spanish court. He was found guilty of manslaughter but let off with a 6 month suspended sentence. The German pervert was a serious alcoholic with late stage cirrhosis and probably wouldn't have died of his injuries if he was healthy. At least that's what the court found, and the British guy was an expat real estate millionaire so had a decent lawyer. Plus no one gives a shit about some dead pedophile. It was one of those stories that reaffirmed your faith in humanity for a couple of hours.

A suspended-a sentence!

I looked like a fool!

There was a guy in Texas that beat a Cumia to death in a similar fashion and i don't think he served a day in jail. I really admire the way Texas handles its business

The cops probably took him out for beers

Wasn't that covered on o&a with input from uncle Paul ?

I'm not sure but I remember it was a farm owner that used a hammer or a bat on a farm hand that was mid diddle on his daughter.

Rommeo and Juliet!

Yeah. That man was interfering with a relationship.

I remember this one. Guy found some dude sexually assaulting his kid so he beat him to death. Dont think he was indicted - everyone realized it was perfectly reasonable.

suhssspendiduh sentence


thanks brotherman

No worries

I guess that's what you mongrels consider "British" nowadays.

The same people have lived in the same areas for all of human history.

That's rich coming from (I assume) an American.

At least we put our rapists in jail.

Yeah, unless they were president.

Wow, you really are a redditor.

It was a joke, maaaan

He comes from the British Empire. Besides he’s an expat so he no longer wants to be associated with those fags anymore.

Glad the dad didn’t get any time. That German dude got what he so clearly deserved.


What do you mean

a german molesting someone is how euro papers refer to arab refugees

Click on the telegraph link I posted. He was a total Aryan. Conversely, the British dad is of Indian Sikh heritage. Bad luck son

boo for me then. fair play son

Unwrapped the turban, and used his long ass hair as a noose.

Probably in jail.

No, he got away with it.

What a fucking weirdo. I cant wait until he goes bankrupt

It makes me feel nice inside knowing his perversion of taking creepshots of people resulted in his firing, his current financial crisis and his entire life turning to total shit.

And so did shit bag, feces fest monster Opie. His sick fecal obsession got him the boot as well. And deservedly so.

brother man was just trying to document a fat in its natural habitat. like the steve irwin of radio.

A fat retard, nonetheless. "People" like Roland don't deserve rights.

Opie is just a dumb fratboy at heart. Anthony is a pedo who openly lusts after children.

Opie is directly responsible for that alien headed freakazoid Sam Roberts. There is absolutely zero excuse for that. None. Opie is Sam. Sam is Opie. What’s next, a revisionist Brothaman Sam Roberts is now cool?

Giving freakazoid airtime in order to make fun of him vs. Being a pedophile.

Why is it all you "Opie is the brothaman" faggots constantly have to point to Ant or Jim as an out for Opie's narcissistic degeneracy?! How about you let 'brothamans' incredibly unhealthy mental illness, thin skinned selfishness and feces fetish stand on its own for once?

All those words just to say Ant is a pedophile.

Nice ducking & dodging the question, stupid.

"Why won't he debate me?"

That don't make someone a bad person.

Hi ichise.

Hi, stupid nigger faggot kike.

Oh good, a new bit. How original.

And Hi Ichse is an original bit?! Nice self awareness, stupid.

I just took a swing, i didn't know you were actually ichise. So yeah it's original to call the account you are currently using "ichise" since i havent done it before. Go on, angrily respond so fast you make a mistake again, please.

What a fucking mindless Joe Cumia you are. Take a swing at something other than failure, stupid. Although it would be as pointless as your entire worthless nigger kike family tree. “So yeah it’s original to call the account you are currently using lichee” since I haven’t done it before.” Wow, aren’t you a real genius with that hot take, shit for brains. You haven’t successfully hung yourself yet, most unfortunately, how about you show us all what the very heart of originality is and find a way to do it where your feet don’t touch the ground, dumb ass. “Go on angrily respond...” Yet, another original premise. Good one, stupid.

I'm just going to assume that's a love letter and say yes, i will fuck your ass by the seaside.

And, of course, the true panty waist that your nigger face is comes out in the most homosexual way possible. Nice limp wrist, stupid. You go ahead and "assume," you 'seaside' cocksucker faggot.

I like this dirty talk, keep going. Grrr.

"Grrr." Nice queer Steve C. impression, stupid. Do us all a favor and follow suit.

Only if you promise to tickle my balls during.

We get it already, stupid. You're a flaming fucking full blown cum guzzler. WE HEARD YOU.

The audacity of you complaining about overdoing a bit. What a dope. I still love you though. Grrr.

Nice straw man, stupid. Where did I 'audaciously' complain about an over done bit, you backwards ass cocksucking faggot! I pointed out that YOU brought up 'the bit,' you blundering, sad, pathetic excuse for a sack of moldy dog shit. What you love clearly is slamming your shit filled skull repeatedly into the concrete floor while fist fucking yourself because you're a mindless, retarded stupid nigger faggot that, not only doesn't know any better, but doesn't want to know any better.

Another love letter already? You spoil me.

"Go ahead and respond quickly again" and yet, here you are doing just that. Because you're a blundering fucking dumb ass who just can't be any smarter under any circumstance.

"So quickly you make a mistake". It's okay my love, you don't have to be clever for me.

BWAHAHAHAHA that's fucking all you could come up with?! That's it, really? It's called paraphrasing, you fucking complete and utter dolt. You sat there beaten thoroughly and searched high and low for a response and yet, every word I said is true and you have nothing to prove different. Nothing. It was killing you and then...ah ha! I'll call him out on something completely irrelevant like whether or not the quote was verbatim! You lost a long time ago, stupid. And now even you in your blundering, blithering stupidity will admit you got nothing. Just lay there in the piss and shit that is your worthless existence, gutless faggot.

And you didn't even get your own spineless quote correct either! Nice failure, stupid. You really are a dunder headed stupid nigger, aren't ya. Straight up Bro Joe levels of braindeadness. Fucking idiot.

It's nice that you were still thinking of me after you replied and had to come back and add more. Makes me feel so special.

Blah blah blah fucking fucking failed miserably and you're just twirling around like the little bitch faggot kike cunt that you are with your pointless faggot fantasies and your go nowhere responses that only serve to highlight your own shameful stupidity over and over again. Have an aids filled evening, you bovine eyed stupid nigger Joe.

Until we speak again my love.

Yeah, keep dodging the truth, bitch faced faggot. You're a weak ass punching bag that fell apart instantly. There won't be a next time because there's nothing left of your gutlessness to abuse, you slimy rotten cocksucker faggot.

Stuff like this makes me wonder if it’s good for my mental health to frequent this place

Personally it helps me realize that no matter how much of a degenerate I think I am, there are people who are way further gone than I am.

Nice self awareness, stupid.

Well, if you can't handle the strangulation than get out of the noose, sir.

It makes me feel nice inside knowing his perversion of taking creepshots of people resulted in his firing, his current financial crisis and his entire life turning to total shit.

Considering that Cumia brags about doing creep shots with drones, can you imagine the stuff he doesn't brag about?

He needs to be put to sleep like a pitbull.

Or Pitbull

Or by a pit bull.

Jesus Christ. I never followed any of the guys on Twitter, so I clearly missed out on a lot of Ant’s disgusting pedophilia; was there any context to this tweet or just the picture?

missed out on a lot of Ant’s disgusting pedophilia; was there any context to this tweet or just the picture?

The context is he's a disgusting pedophile

Good point.

Anthony didn't put a description on twitpic like he had for other pictures he posted. I wasn't able to find the text of the tweet this was attached to but one of the comments bashed him for using a show reference (Uncle Paul, I'm sure) to mask his legitimate pedophilia.

He was just taking pictures of the “scaffolding” and she happened to be there.

This is the pot calling the kettle black.

That's John from John and Jeff with a young Thai boy


he's literally just taking photos of 8 year old girls.

oh my god, I can't believe I was once a fan of this guy.

you're disgusting

Imagine the pictures that he didn't post.

The fact that there’s no caption makes this creepier somehow.

He likely meant to save the picture & was mortified when he realized he shared it instead.

Dunno if 🐜h believes in karma like his sloth brother, but I have a feeling he’ll get what’s coming to him sooner rather than later. Fucking ghoul.

I was getting ready to ask if there was any context but I can't think of any context where taking a creeper pic of an 8 year old girl is acceptable. Holy fuck Ant really is human garbage.

Someone needs to beat the shit out of this old man.

Why the fuck was this savage creep photographing little kids. Fuuck.

There's no doubt in my mind that Layla Cumia either is being, or has been molested by Anthony.

He ought to be punched to near death, he really is a pedophile

The really weird thing about Anthony is how he seems to be almost proud of his pedo leanings, like he's just saying what "every" guy is thinking. He genuinely seems to think there's nothing wrong with getting a hard-on when an eight year old walks by, as evidenced by the fact he posted this picture at all. Her ass is right in the middle of the shot, it's absolutely what he was aiming at.

In Anthony's defense, he didn't select a random child. He chose one with a nice ass.

He's so fucking vile.

any proof this is real? I know it's Ant we're talking about but if he really took this pic or liked it or whatever then he's an irredeemable piece of shit deserving of an ass kicking.

Don't know how I missed this, probably wasn't worth remembering. Anyway Ant is a pedo piece of shit and I hope the cops kick in his door soon.

The cops probably took him out for beers

And so did shit bag, feces fest monster Opie. His sick fecal obsession got him the boot as well. And deservedly so.

Wasn't that covered on o&a with input from uncle Paul ?

No, he got away with it.

Only if you promise to tickle my balls during.

Another love letter already? You spoil me.

It makes me feel nice inside knowing his perversion of taking creepshots of people resulted in his firing, his current financial crisis and his entire life turning to total shit.

Considering that Cumia brags about doing creep shots with drones, can you imagine the stuff he doesn't brag about?

I remember this one. Guy found some dude sexually assaulting his kid so he beat him to death. Dont think he was indicted - everyone realized it was perfectly reasonable.

Yeah, keep dodging the truth, bitch faced faggot. You're a weak ass punching bag that fell apart instantly. There won't be a next time because there's nothing left of your gutlessness to abuse, you slimy rotten cocksucker faggot.