Got banned from r/FragileWhiteRedditor because I couldn’t behave

36  2019-03-13 by Jaded_Dragon_2018



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What's that sub about

they're up to 5 times as gay and retarded as this sub, but more fun because they dont realize it

What is that sub. Is it just to attack white people. If so, I guarantee againsthatesubreddits leaves it alone.

Well isn't Black People Twitter just a modern day minstrel show?

Fun fact: /r/AgainstHateSubreddits is its 6th most similar subreddit in terms of shared commenters (/r/ChapoTrapHouse coming in at #2 unsurprisingly).

Eat shit and live, bot.

Just started an epic thread over there. Feel free to give upboats my fellow white redditors.

Whites are privileged, occupy many powerful positions in society and something must be done to restore the power balance. This is an Academic Fact.

Jews are privileged, occupy many powerful positions in society and something must be done to restore the power balance. This is the hateful scourge of antisemitism and must be eradicated.


Doesn't Reddit go on and on about being against hate subreddits? Why is this shit allowed?


What the fuck is that monkey talking about in regards to microwave timers? How does one use the microwave without setting an amount of time for it to run?

I think he was trying to mock how whites bring up the FBI statistics that blacks commit crime at a higher rate that whites.

Really goes to show the level of humor and intellect they have to work with over there.

The left cant meme

yeah because emoji in maga hats is stop tier meming


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All this talk to try to explain white fragility, but I can show how fragile blacks are with a single word.

I like your responses to him