If you say "scritch" instead of "scratch", you should be beheaded

10  2019-03-13 by BeigeFagquency


I'm on board

Who says that? Is this a new nigger thing?

Redditors when they scratch animals.

Oh god. I hate everyone on those cutesy ass subs so much.

I heard you are a faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

I was told by a teacher when I was 8 that scritch is the noun and scratch is the verb....

I got suspended for pissing on her desk when she left the classroom one day

Good man.

Turns out ladies who choose to spend their tome around 8 year olds aren't very smart.


Top Google result, doesn't surprise me in the least.

Furfags are really strange people, to say the least.

I heard you are a faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

I don’t know from scritch, but I lost a relationship once over an argument about the informal use of ‘itch’ to mean ‘scratch’.

She was like “hey hon, ah, could you itch my back?”

I was like “you mean scratch? You scratch an itch, you don’t itch it? Why don’t you say what you mean, woman! Or do you not know what you mean? Was everyone right about you?”

And she was all “what the fuck does that mean? Everyone? Who said what?”

Then I launched into a tirade about her controlling mother and said some nasty things about her sister, which snowballed into a near domestic violence ‘where the fuck is my gun!?’ type situation.

I guess there were some pent up issues there and it was doomed to fail now that I think about it.

You'll find love someday, NguyenLevin71

Don't lie to the guy. That's just cruel.

You got more complaints than a....


.....than, a, uh, I don't know, a complainer convention.

I heard you are a faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.