According to the Joe interview, Joe doesn’t visit Ant’s wop mansion anymore..

32  2019-03-13 by RBuddCumia

Trouble in paradise?


Children in فردوس

Praise his name.

fa la la la

Well joe remembers the showers with daddy it traumatized joe ant on the other hand....


It's a red herring on Joe's part. Anthony doesn't throw those big parties anymore. And we haven't heard of many poker nights, and we don't know how much time Anthony is spending with Missy or in the city.

I'm sure he's still hanging with him during the big holidays, etc....

didnt his live in prostitute moved to SF or some shit?

Maybe they have an open relationship or something, but she's around a lot. He was talking about her like she's moved into the LI house.

This was the crazy that broke into his house and put his ear pods in cat shit instead of thinking herself as a hooker


So the open relationship thing is out of the question?

They still see each other on payday, it’s the only time Joe shows up on time.

Let's nor forget that E-Rock hinted at them coming to blows.

“What do you mean you can’t pay me my share for introducing you to opie no more?”

I've been 2 months late on my rent for 30 years now Anthony fa christsakes!

Like sucking each other off?

What did he say?

It's because Ant doesn't throw those big parties anymore because he realizes he's finished plus he doesn't have the money to heat the pool or Jacuzzi anymore. It's all crumbling down in front of our eyes.

Do you think the bar is at least stocked in the basement? Did he have to sell the popcorn machine?

Rumor has it he switched the Bud Light to Milwaukee’s Best.

When he switches to Natty Ice we’ll know we’ve won

The last few photos I saw,most of the bottles were almost empty. Im sure he keeps jack and vodka stocked up but the other random shit filling the back wall was looking pretty sad.

Joe discovered electronic bank transfers so no more going in person to leach off.

bank transfer done electronically


Not all that hard to figure out. The Well is running dry. Nigger lipped Joe will abandon Ant faster than Ro with dementia when the final promissory check is cashed. That cosplaying faggot will be back as Doxxer$60,000 soon again.

I wonder if Ant ever tried to ask Joe to chill out because its not helping. There were a few times I could see Ant being mad at him for making things tougher but did he have the balls to say something?

There was probably an inquest into who let joe out of their sight at the book signing

You can easily imagine Joe always being the last one to leave, walking out the door with a couple of bags of Anthony's groceries, booze and whatever..."you don't mind, do you?".

Maybe they have an open relationship or something, but she's around a lot. He was talking about her like she's moved into the LI house.