156  2019-03-12 by Single_Action_Army


Jim Norton would

Unfunny faggot.

Unless he is doing that so he can hang around in womens restrooms then he is a faggot.

It's just a joke dad, it's just a really funny joke for my internet friends.

I read this in the voice of Mark Corrigan.

Third gear, daddio.


can I remain completely heterosexual and own those libs? it just doesn't seem possible.

Nice bulge, stupid.

There's no penis there.

Now I know why he was a virgin until marriage, masquerading as a Christian.

He's hung like Chaz bono

He is so painfully unfunny.

I'm sorry but I hate Crowder and his voice.

Don't be sorry

What, you don't dig the sound of right wing mickey mouse?

I thought that was jordan Peterson

He's right wing kermit the frog.

"Well, it's actually gay to get pussy."

He did the voice of The Brain on the children's show Arthur.

Seasons 5 and 6. Turd couldn’t even get in when it was new.

Projection is a motherfucker.

Why do so many of these "anti sjw culture" retards think the irrefutable way to prove you're not homophobic is to engage in a gay sexual act themselves? it's almost like white bitches who insist they can't be racist because they've sucked black dicks before. That's not how it works, stupids.

It's not?

Nerds don't know that hypocrisy is a pleasure and proving that you really "walk the walk" or you're "not afraid to [whatever]" is repulsive faggotry.

It's why black dudes don't vote Republican.

"It's why black dudes don't vote Republican"


Man...imagine thinking this.

speaking of voter demographics...

"More than 70% of black women voted in 2012, out-voting white women (65.6%), white men (62.6%), and black men (61.4%)."

They know daddy gubment bread they chicken. It's why only fat black women work at the DMV, TSA etc

I was thinking this recently while using one of them newfangled computer thingies at the DMV to renew license plates. You keep hearing about automation changing society in the near future, but you really notice it in the quiet DMV where Shaniqua once yapped on the phone while ignoring the long line of people.

I wonder what all those Shaniquas are gonna do? I think Reperations and Repatriation is long overdue tbh.

Why do so many of these "anti sjw culture" retards think the irrefutable way to prove you're not homophobic is to engage in a gay sexual act themselves?

Because most of the people working in the entertainment industry are women and gay men. So you have closeted queers like Gavin McInnes and Crowder larping as Christian conservatives. Also, that Long Island faggot that used to do that radio show on XM, I can't remember what his name is.

Howard Stern?

It's because these "anti sjw culture" retards have the ideology of "liberal faggots" from the 1990's.

They totally aren't racist and love the niggers, jews and fags, but they can also get a bit raunchy and offensive when it comes to jokes. (Pretty much the attitude of most white dudes on this subreddit).

This message brought to you by Sumner Redstone, Dortitos, and Mountain Dew

If you haven't already posted this on Chapo, you probably should.

fuck off

Bitch, I will rape you like Ant rapes underaged trannies.


Nothing says “heterosexual conservative” like wearing a dress every chance you get and not fucking until marriage.

Well I'm assuming he still doesn't fuck

Am I wrong, or does he try to dress as a woman every chance he gets?

The bottom part of his women costume is 100x more convincing than the top part.

Easy to stay a virgin if your dick is too short to fit in a pussy

He should really use more Adderall. I can almost understand him sometimes and i hate that

Her scent was intoxicating.

Every one of these guys would eat 40 cocks in a split second if it guaranteed them success at (((mainstream))) comedy.

I don't envy their lifechoice of doing comedy. It seems like a such a rotten shitty buisness. Rarely any real money made to make a living. We all made fun of that cowboy what's his name on Opies show but at least he got it, sold meat at the side to have some extra money.

It's not even a question about who is a sellout or not, they would suck a bag of dicks to be offered to have a chance at selling out. There are some shitty jobs out there but Imagine doing your comedy thing for 25 years and waking up and old man and realizing, I've built nothing with this. I'm not funny. My wife and kids left me to pursue this dream but it turned out to be horseshit. I'm eating actual food from this clearly bewildered unshowered cumbucket lady asshole.

Tldr: Bob Levy

It's 2019. Just come already.

you talking to crowder or ya girl? ooooh sheeeeeit i’m stylin’

That guy doesn't have a penis. Change my mind.

My name is Joseph Cumia, and I am proud to rely on this man for my political information and to vote exactly as he does.

Helium sucking eunuch, only men who have dicks constantly brush against their vocal chords talk in such high octaves.

Tim Curry wore it better



Crowder is deeper in the closet than Morrissey.