Genuine question (I'd honestly tell you if it wasn't) - Are Jim and Ant still close?

16  2019-03-12 by ComePoundMeDear

I was listening to some clips of when Ant was fired and every other sentence Jim says is how Ant is going to do great, how he's brilliant and funny and he has a studio all set up and ready and he's just sooo hilarious, Ant is going to be fine, man, trust me.


I was just wondering, seeing that he's been so incredibly wrong, if Jim is still saying this same kind of stuff, or if he's addressed the massive failure that Cumia has become, or if there's just a blanket silence regarding it all. Does Jim still go on Ant's show? Does Ant still go on the Chip Podcast, if there even still is a Chip Podcast.


You never turn your back on a man you've tag teamed trannies with.

Jim is a snake and knows Anthony is a piece of shit so he's probably distancing himself to keep his career safe. I'll be surprised if they do radio together again. All it would take is one BuzzFeed article exposing Anthony to also ruin Jim

They're still tight. Norton goes on Cumia's show every few months, and Anthony seems to be all over the Chip thing from the videos that get posted here. There isn't much, if any Cumia talk on Sirius anymore.

They both aren't as sharp as they used to be, but it really shows on Cumia's part. You can tell Norton notices it, but he's Cumia's friend. He's not going to say anything.

They claim to still be close. However, Morton on average barely goes on Ant's show five times a year (he's made a rare appearance today), while he uses Ant as much as possible for his 'wig and glasses' show.

Worm evidently never fought hard enough to overturn Ant's re-banning from Sirius and has done his absolute best to stay on the Sirius tit, doing an awful show with the cro-magnon dolphin cackler, and has treated a open invitation for a co-host job with his 'best friend' Ant like Kryptonite by comparison. Ant is no use to him anymore. Worm is all about the dollars and celebrity photos.

Perhaps if Jim joined Ant after O&J split, Ant would have eased off on the politics, Worm might have eased off on the tranny/porn whore/farting discussion, and CM might not have gone to absolute shit by hiring a fat repetitive junkie and driving away Gavin and LoS, while cultivating nobodies. It's the classic dead friendship where you rarely see each other, but still keep the façade going for whatever little use is left in it. Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, little fucking Worm.

“Wig and glasses show”. I like that one.

Norton doesn't get involved with anything that takes effort. Meaningful relationships with women, friendships, show prep, etc.