Compound Media Party

64  2019-03-12 by crookedmile


Ester Ku killing it for us today.

Ester does not have enough of a pan-face.

Much more Margret Cho

Esther Buu.

Majin ku or sumthin

That is much better.

Due to an unforeseen financial setback the compound stripper budget was slashed.

You know it's wild there, just look at the big fat party animal shirt on the guy on the left.

I thought that was his gay guy shirt?


He brought cactus candy.

There's only two types that wear that shirt you know.

I heard this party was a real pisser

Short bus in the driveway.

How many in that pic have paid for an elderly Asian to give them a rub and tug, I'd guess all of them

Their hands are so soft. I mean, I imagine they would be.

Ahhhh. The rub and lady for the GOP. I don’t think CM has enough money or clout for her.

Why is Lt. Dan's beaver-faced gook wife up in front?

his fat wife sooosan.

They strapped crutches to my stumps and said they're recycled space shuttle fuselage.

Ti-tanium, Forrest.

Esther Coolee

wonder what that script bottle is in front of joe

Who`s the honger?

Someone drew a face on thier thumb and held it up to the camera, hilarious!

Bonnies ass face tattoo.

They all got the girl!

oh jesus ant looks horrific

I see younger guys in their 20s and 30s at that poker table sometimes. Who are they and why would they be there? Family? What Cumia was reproducing 20-30 years ago?

Their hands are so soft. I mean, I imagine they would be.