Pre-firing Anthony says his job is the only thing keeping him from leaving New York

80  2019-03-12 by bovinebrain


You mean the weak, lying crybaby lied? Shocker. Other than wearing Mommy’s shoes did Anthony ever tell the truth about himself?

"I... am fucking... my brother's girlfriend's daughter." -Anthony Cumia

You are ?

Actually he 100% denied mommies shoes was a real thing on air. Ao he always lies

They didn't call him Joey Buttlicker because he didn't lick any butts

He knows he would never do that.

I remember he was trying to be like that motorcycle guy Jesse James. Anthony thought maybe he could take all of his New York sychophant posse with him to Texas. Nope.

Texans aren't too accepting of his "alternative" lifestyle

Go to Austin or San Antonio and then tell us that.

Ok how do these tolerant homo Texans feel about domestic violence and racism

Depends where you go. Texas is a big place, it’s not just a bunch of cowboys like it’s 1875.

Steers and queers and Mexicans. Stop trying to defend your shitty state

Nice 1970’s reference, stupid.

Buncha ignorant retards in here when it comes to Texas and the South in general. It's kind of surprising considering that this sub is fairly cosmopolitan, but somehow think Birth of Nation describes current day Texaw and the South.

I would never describe this sub as "fairly cosmopolitan".

I would. Beneath the vulgar and racist sheen, there are a lot of creative, intelligent, and a fair people. Considering that Opie, Anthony, and Jim are relative simpletons, it's amazing that they procured such a diverse fanbase.

When he talked about moving from NYC to Texas, do you think he meant a big urban city in texas?

The City of Texas - 80 bajillion citizens

Yeah? Well that's ok cause you're their best seller! (Every fucking time I see your name)

Tony will never leave Long Island. He needs the safety net of Dawn and Joe. Plus Keith to play cops with. Also he needs NY, the NY Tri-State is the only area where he might still be a little famous.

Tony without NY would be dead in 6 months. Felled by natural causes or some drunken mishap.

Drunken mishap should have been the title of his book.

No joke that would have been perfect

It dwas ad inebriated bishap AWRITE

He’s not famous in NY. He has 4 unused sharpies to attest to that.

Fawkin broootal

NY is a shitty place to retire if you don't have a large nest egg/retirement money. Even moreso than most states. There is a reason for the mass exodus to FL, TX, TN, and NC. Property taxes alone are a motherfucker, especially since Anthony isn't really getting much of a return on the taxes (no kids so the school district is mostly meaningless)- and there is going to be another downturn in the real estate market. Not sure Anthony can take many more losses.

no kids so the school district is mostly meaningless

Lucky for him NYC schools do a poor job of teaching kids stranger danger.

Tony would be shunned and ignored in Texas. Nobody wants to hang out with an old delusional wop who fucks trannies and doesn’t even own a gun. He’s lame and his time has passed.

Joe would be laughed and at have his ass kicked daily until he fled back to the safety of his awful Port Jefferson trailer. Texas would chew up and spit out the Cumias, and if Slow Joe was a normal testosterone-producing male he would have been aroused by my spitting allusion.

Texas has a place for the Cumias

its called Austin

I think Joe’s too faggy for Austin. They could always use Carol to haunt a house though.

What about Dallas then? The place is flooded with faggots, comparable to Atlanta when factor in population.

Joe might be able to find a hoppin’ glory hole to suck cock at in Dallas. It’s not too far from Fort Sill so he might have some buddies in the DFW-area from his tater days too.

Austin is liberal as fuck. That's probably one of the worst place for them. The only thing they might like is that there are not as many blacks in Austin- especially the burbs. And where they are, they are contained. Dallas-DFW area and east Texas and West Texas would suite them. Don't get me wrong, there are conservatives in Austin, but politically it's fucking a liberal circus and Beto country (failed loser Senate candidate, but yet has a ridiculous amount of support in Austin, parts of CA, and NY).

He's also a certified pedophile.

Has anyone ever attempted to move podcast equipment across state lines? I can’t even comprehend the logistical challenge of that.

Anyone got the clip of Wormy saying that?

Found it!

Prepare yourself. This might be the dumbest thing you have ever heard another human being say.

90 seat theater

for a podcast?

what the fuck is jimmy even saying?

Jim Norton is not a smart man.

Something like that would probably cost about 60 g’s

How do you people just pull links like that? The show was on for almost 20 damn years.

Anthony is a child who avoids any confronting thoughts and who is afraid of change.

OP defecates on sidewalks confirmed?

To he fair, it's very hard to leave when your biggest asset, your home, is worth a quarter of what you paid for it.

To be fair, it's very hard to leave when your biggest asset, your home, is worth a quarter of what you paid for it.

Well it will never go back to what he paid for it and he's just bleeding money from high taxes. It's a liability at this point.

Can you even get resin dinosaurs out of the city?

Imagine the panic on the faces of Keith, Big A, Bobo, Joe and that other fat, bald guy after hearing that Anthony is thinking of leaving New York. They probably all broke out into a cold sweat at the thought of no longer being able to hang onto Anthony's balls.

You’re forgetting he needs the NYC studio to be able to get the big guests.

Joe Currie and Joe Devito.

after he lost his job he couldnt afford to leave

Long Island is the only place where he is allowed.

In California&Oregon he'll get arrested for being a nazi pedo racist, any other part of the country he would be chased away for being a nigger.

Stupid assholes like this only ever relocate from NY to Florida

To be fair he legally couldn’t leave for a while.

If I were Cumia, I'd relocate to Vegas:

1) there are tons of comedians coming and going every week, he'd have a steady stream of guests because they want to plug their gigs

2) the rent is basically nothing, my mortgage in Vegas was basically the same as car payment

3) There's a million clubs and they're always looking for entertainers, so he could probably do his show with an actual audience

4) The world's most famous tranny bar is in Vegas

Was your rent cheap in the city limits or outside of town?

North Vegas is cheap but nobody speaks English there

All the Boomers live in Henderson

I like the southern side of Vegas, just south of the airport. It's convenient to the airport and the strip, and not as trashy as downtown Vegas or North Vegas.

That's got a real, "You'll be sorry when I've gone!" vibe to it.

To be fair, it's still true. He wouldn't be able to scrape up the garbage he puts on his show if he didn't still live there.

Would be nice if Ant & Joe are banned at every store.

Well he can't move now. How would he ever get any of the great guests he has now if he wasn't in NYC?

He’s been check swinging leaving NY for well over a decade. Comfort zone loving faggot. He’d be dead in 5 years because he’d “never look back” at the world’s best cardiologists.

I would never describe this sub as "fairly cosmopolitan".

I would. Beneath the vulgar and racist sheen, there are a lot of creative, intelligent, and a fair people. Considering that Opie, Anthony, and Jim are relative simpletons, it's amazing that they procured such a diverse fanbase.