Reminder: an angry Nana ranted to a confused but trying to appear empathetic Alex Jones about us

89  2019-03-12 by josephjeremiah


However Anthony did nothing in his life to bring this on himself right? Noooo...

No, you DID pay that mentally ill boy/man for sex and to keep quiet about it, you degenerate faggot:


"Gotta get this nutcase out of here, he's ruining my cred."

The idea of Tony trying to act like he isn't a degenerate is hilarious. Even if he didn't pay to have sex with Sue, he still said on satellite radio that he would do as low as 13 and has repeatedly gotten as close to the legal age of consent as possible.

He'd been grooming one until she was of "legal age", allegedly:

"The week we decided that us being together wasn’t a good thing, he took a 17 year old fan girl to a taping of a Fox show. She posted photos on her twitter, I saw them and nearly puked. I had talked to him that night and he said he was feeling tired so he wanted to get to bed early and stay at a hotel. Little did I know he was fucking her. I appreciate him trying to shield me from the heartache but it still hurt. He’s a man in his 50s and finds 17 year olds attractive. I just never understood that. He criticized me for having “cellulite” on my ass. Hi, that’s not cellulite, it’s called being a woman in her 20′s. If you can’t look past that and only find high school girls attractive, then maybe I shouldn’t be in a relationship with you. This girl had been obsessed with him and his show for a while. Wouldn’t you want to date someone compelling who isn’t already obsessed with you? I don’t understand how his brain works. He was following a 14 year old girl on twitter and had her “Amazon wish list” saved so he could send her things. I confronted him and he said “well she’s a fan of the show and she’s cute.” Right, because that makes sense."

If that slouching goth 4's father wasn't such a bitch he would have beaten Cumia to death.

Luckily for Ant he was jewish and a complete coward and ruled by the women in his life.

You could have just finished the sentence after Jewish

Jim Kennedy is a real Jewish name

Kind of like Jon Stewart or Bob Dylan

Or, maybe he's just a fucking evil white guy.

Always a possibility

Stfu documentary guy.

You just need a Jewish mother to be "officially" Jew.

This was something funny I found out about Amy Schumer. She's half Jewish on her fathers side but as far as I know, she has never converted. So she actually is just a regular old white girl as far as Judaism goes.

An orthodox Jew would consider her as "traif" as the sweet hog meat contained in her trotters.

She also claimed to be a "German Jew" when the Schumers are Nosferatu-ass Romanian rat-kikes. Stolen valor.

you have a way with words

The 14 year old with the Amazon wish list was the grown man who catfished Nana. Of course, he had to lie about that on the radio to in some weak attempt to get out in front of the story.


I can only say things with certainty that I can back up with evidence. But you can do the math looking at live from the compound threads on wackbag where they mention Apology girl having to leave the stream because of her curfew

Plenty of people have curfews... felons living in half-way houses, people living in disaster areas, victims of war-torn nations. Knowing the mongoloids, it realistically could've been any of those things. Do your homework.

Sadly, I must agree with you. Dated girls halfway through 20s with curfews. Always repressed and want you to fuck their ass raw, but then theyre trying to wake you up from your post-nut coma cuz mommy gonna be mad if you don't get em home before Wheel of Fortune is on

She had a curfew but was allowed to bang a 50 year old ghoul?

Why is she acting like dating a 17 is weird for a 50-something-year-old, but dating a chick in her 20's isn't? The 17-year-old and the 20-something are only there because of Ant's bank account.

Anthony’s just a dumb, lying old man

Alex thinks it's too far fetched

The man always takes into account things like lack of evidence and the credibility of the witness.

Nothing lets you know how truly desperate for money and attention nana is nowadays than him doing a show on Info Wars. I don't even think he's got that gig anymore either.

Just seeing him sat there on that set in his little suit ranting about the 'Hollywood degenerates' is bizarre. This is a guy who took pride in being as big a degenerate as he could be for years on the radio and happily made it part of his persona.

He's such an unbelievably phoney old fuck. I'm so glad Opie won't throw him a bone. Even his 'good friend' Jimmy never does his these days. Rotting in obscurity and losing more money by the day is what's in your future nana.

He was replaced by Owen Benjamin a while ago. Owen goes all in on what Alex says while Anthony was only talking about people being mean to MAGA folk.

Imagine being replaced by Owen fucking Benjamin. Just five years ago Nana was still a radio star, and as bad as this is he still hasn't quite hit bottom yet. It's been a hell of a tobbogan ride.

*tube ride

it really is(was?) pathetic, it'd be like stern getting fired and having a segment on some two-bit morning show


Stern's Stern Facts of the Day, this is funny btw


Cut, print, perfect

The “in some circles “ segment of this really sings... as a substance abusing dropout decides how deep in the weeds to get with conspiracy man to appear simpatico

Alex's narrowed eyes and credulous face are hilarious

Is he hosting the infowars after show there?

He had his own little segment for awhile. Alex distanced himself from Ant, probably to get any tranny heat off of himself.



The look of terror on Alex's face when Ant brings up sex with transsexuals.

Never forget.

It's interesting he went with the plural "transsexuals", despite the fact he's only been accused of sleeping with one specific person. It's something liars do all the time, exaggerate the claim made against them to a point were it's not exactly true, so they can protest their innocence more convincingly, and actually feel like they're being honest.

My god ant what happened to you haha hol-e fuck. I used to listen to old 2004-2009 shows all day and to see the relic of what he once was is just sad.

Who cares about any of this shit, he used to be funny.

That green screening is so terrible.

What a completely dishonest cunt.

So he doesn't do Info Wars anymore? Wow. You know you are career cancer when even the joke conspiracy guy who was kicked off YouTube thinks you are hurting his image.

I love that Alex is trying to look understanding but he doesn't give a sympathetic nod because he has no idea wtf Anything is yelling about.

Anthony has become that annoying friend that everybody tolerates ou of sympathy but hopes he went away.

I did not HAVE SEX WITH A TRANSEXUAL. I just get accused of it a lot. Also my brother is not a pedophile!!!

I really wish you didn't provide a full-screen link. I'm trying to eat my lunch.

You know your in a bad place when Alex Jones is distancing himself from you.

The saddest/hilarious thing about his Infowars appearances were that he was doing them for free and for the exposure. Literally have to do volunteer work for Alex Jones, a man he would mock during the Sirius days.

Nana has since lost the gig and been replaced.

Alex Jones’s reaction when AC inferred having sex with transsexuals was degeneracy: