Pictures that heterosexual middle aged male friends would never take

80  2019-03-12 by McGowan9


Unapologetically masculine "men".

Don't forget about Sam, Travis and Troy. They're so manly that Norton needs a female trainer as an antidote to all the "male energy" he's surrounded by for 4 hours a day.

He's probably like that TransKike someone posted about here last week, who asked women about women's changing room etiquette and wanting to teach young girls about changing their tampons. He probably asks his trainers about what women want and like and about their habits and boundaries. Can't wait for him to fuck up and have his pedophilia come to light.

He didnt say that, did he? He already needs to be set on fire but Jesus Christ.

lol yeah that was his gay excuse for having a female trainer

Norton’s so good at it he can mug for the camera at the same time. Ovenable faggots.

Nice Rockstar shirt, faggot

A rare picture of Raul Ghoulia without two shirts

How many drawers does he have filled with those fucking things?

For a guy who wears a Rockstar shirt every other day, why isn't he a part of RDR2? Hmmm.

You should ask him on Twitter

I call my friends “gay” and they get offended.

Childless, lonely failures.

Who convinced who this was a great idea?

Their homosexuality

Ant really looks like he's on the verge of tears there.

He's imagining his angry, closeted dad's reaction

I wish both the absolute worst.


This is so funny that Jim could use it as the image for his next comedy special.

I can’t understand why jimmy has such a hard time finding a girl half his age who loves him for him

I doubt Jim swallowed that banana - too much sugar.

Continued success...

This picture is good because it shows a nice middle ground between uhhhfeynded Tony and Brother Nana. Before the city of Manhattan fucked him once again..

Norton re-enacting what Sue Lightening did to Anthony the night before.

You mean what Anthony did to Sue

My mistake, yes! He was being like his brother Joe.

Anthony is a different sort of ugly in every picture he takes.