You're a legit fag if you can't appreciate this shit

0  2019-03-12 by alkiefuck


Kick , Punch , Stunner. Austin was completely broken by that point.

Watching him stumble around in double knee braces is lovely.

That was always my favorite promo.

I wish I could feel anything as an adult that excited me the way WWF or Dragon Ball Z did as a kid.

become an alcoholic, rewatch this type of shit and you're sorted

Yes, alcohol, the upper

It doesn't work and it's pathetic to try to retreat into childhood nostalgia.

Euro trash

just try and get through the Freiza saga as an adult, its painful waiting for them to finally fight

We only remember the good parts anyway.

You could always start smoking crack.

I appreciated this shit when I was 8. You look back, it was a fun fucking era. But if you're wasting your time still watching it and taking the time to post it here, you should grow the fuck up like the rest of us.

shut up, get drunk and watch it again

Nah I get drunk for UFC/boxing, like adults do.

When you were 8?!... what are you 5?

If you don't watch Power Rangers you're a fucking queer

The Green Ranger arc was godly

The black ranger was black, the yellow ranger was asian. The green ranger wasn't an environmentalist. Better times.

90's beef and Limp Bizkit. What more can you ask for?

i don't give a fuck man, i love this promo

Who gives a shit

Same as a Broadway musical except roided out dancers this time with more lubed up, aggressive, and naked choreography.

Can I get a Hell Yeah??!!

Can I get a Hell Yeah?!!

Can I get a Hell Yeah!!?

I feel gayer for having skimmed through 15 seconds of that

Enjoy your pretend fighting in the shadows like the rest of the self-aware retards.

Go back to homoville,theres a Magician waiting in your mom's basement ,waiting to show you a trick.

i don't give a fuck man, i love this promo