Says the biggest faggot "snowflake." Nice threat, stupid.

15  2019-03-12 by alphadromes


Any different than the app that tells you where black owned businesses are? I’ll never let politics decide where I spend my money, but good for them if they want to go out of their way to patron a business that aligns with their beliefs. Also, Fatrick is a faggot.

I'd smash his fat face if he ever ruined a night out.

I hate this fat fuck more than Joe.

At least Joe provides entertainment and his stupidity provides hilarity. Fatrick is just obnoxious and just makes me angry. He is by far the worst person connected to this sub.

Open support of the President does literally get you abused and/or assaulted in America. WTF is this dude's problem? There's such a nasty streak to these people these days.

Can you imagine "take your 'hope and change' shirt and get the fuck out of my restaurant before you get your ass kicked"?

You're encouraged to wear a Che Guevara t shirt - even if you have no idea what he did, said, or stood for.

even if you have no idea what he did, said, or stood for.

Or what he said about blacks and fags or how many people he massacred.

Real ass dude of the week

I ain't the biggest maga guy out there but I'd wear the hat at a restaurant on the off chance some soft fuck like fatrick wants to physically confront people

Hell yeah bro! BASHING TIME

Like 9 bro

I hope tyrone beats his nigga pussy ass and gets him addicted to crack.

This guy needs to get Joe cumia'd

fatrick and all the mafa-fags are snowflakes. why cant everyone keep their uninformed political opinions to themselves? ya know, like we used to.

Now everyone is a libtard or alt-right, no in between

see in america, i'm assuming the media paints you as literally hitler if you lean right. I'd imagine most people don't think that way though, right? naive of me but fuck it, worth bringing up

What is the fascination wit the word 'literally'?

Here's an idea: Just don't wear the fucking hat, stupid.

Yeah, they're totally the snowflakes. Not the people who sperg out and incite violence against other people just for wearing a hat that represents an opposing viewpoint. I sincerely hope Tyrone pawns this faggot's switch for a few crack rocks so we can see him make a self indulgent FB post about how addiction is a disease and crack was created by the white man like himself so he really has no right to criticize his wife's bull for stealing his faggot game console. Then I hope Tyrone pistol whips him in a drugged out rage and spends the meager $3.76 in his wallet on malt liquor.

Like 9 bro