Let's be realistic here: Does Joe have a libel case against this sub? Does he have any leg to stand on?

0  2019-03-11 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I mean besides the child spit stuff: HE'S the one that's given us the rope to hang him. The sub didn't create those tweets, or drive him toward acting in and certain way. A lot of this is on him.

But how possible is it for him to win any potential libel suit? The last thing I need in life right now is for that bovine idiot to dole out subpoenas to users on here.

I'm being a bit of a panicky Pete here, so apologies in advance. Just not looking to tack this on to my other current problems right now.


Whats he gonna sue you for? The half eaten bag of flamin hot cheetos or the 124,000 mile Ford Fiesta in yo momma's driveway

Thank you.

I have to recognize how funny your comment is, but i am actually in a bad spot here, frankie. So I'm naturally trying to see all the angles here.

124,000 mile Ford Fiesta in yo momma's driveway

lol, almost too real

You probably should call him and apologize

I imagine Joe would go after the trolls through their facebook accounts first but what do I know

Two reasons it would never go anywhere: he’s demonstrably guilty on the core characterization as a racist boor, as is borne out by his own Twitter comments. Second, he promoted himself as a public figure for several decades through O&A, his own podcast, and his cosplay. This raises the bar for prosecution significantly. No reasonable court would issue subpoenas for an LOLcow 🐮 like Homo Joe.

There will be no subpoenas, there will be no attorneys. A Cumia has never and can never achieve a goal. Rest well and keep up the fight.

If he does sue (tee-hee) we have numerous receipts on him.

Lawyers tend to not take on cases where there's no hope of making money. Libel lawsuits against anonymous trolls is expensive. Subpoenas to websites, subpeonas to ISPs, legal representation in both the state filed in as well as the state of the ISP.... It would be a shitty endevour even if we were talking one or two people, but the legal fees required to pursue a lawsuit against an entire sub is too unrealistic for any lawyer or judge to entertain. Unless you were someone like Jeff Bezos and could afford to pay all that out of pocket, that's not something almost anyone is gonna take on.

No, he would have to prove the statements are false and hire a lawyer to do the whole thing. Just about the only one he could legitimately make a claim against is in jail for stealing a Vizio soundbar, so good luck even collecting on that (not to mention that he was paid his gig fee from the club owner who did cancel).

He would also have to establish damages against posters in different states and countries (forcing the matter to be a Federal Court case), further driving up the costs. This is only after he files motions for subpoenas / discovery against ISPs / Reddit to get the IP of each user. The only entities who do this are mega-entertainment corporations for piracy issues (who have millions to spare).

Finally, his filing an action would only bring more attention to the whole matter- see the "Streisand Effect".

To summarize, it's not worth it and you're an idiot.

That would require actual work on joes part. Not to mention ants money, which is drying up at an alarming rate.

There's one guy who's openly admitted to maliciously going after Joe's gigs and harassing him and he's already in prison.

Defamation lawsuits are notoriously difficult and expensive--especially when it comes to semi-anonymous venues that deal heavily in parody and satire. Have to hire subject matter experts, then he'd have to come up with some number for cancelled gigs, emotional distress etc, and then prove the the untrue things that weren't parody or satire, directly caused these damages irrespective of the true things... then...

It's complicated by the fact that "the O&A sub" isn't an organization like a newspaper or other legal entity so he'll have to go after individuals or try to subpoena the PII of 25k usernames.

It also complicates things that it seems like 99% of the things sent to venues were his real Tweets, Vine videos, interviews, and social media posts.

It also complicates things that it seems like most of the people who purport to be sending the links to the tweets etc aren't U.S. based.

He could have something actionable, like harassment, for you idiots who keep calling him if he's asked you to stop; but he'd need to involve the police first, then prove those phone calls have had an emotional impact on him so much so that he can't leave the house to work, or caused him to move etc etc.

If you need any other opinions you can find me managing the reptile accessories department at PetSmart.

Maybe against the people who call him a pedophile, but there are hundreds of archived tweets showing that Joe is extremely racist, has several guns and threatens people on a regular basis.

that's what I'm talking about

The problem is, he has to prove he WASNT a pedophile. All I can say is, good luck joe.

I think there's an equal number of posts stating that he's NOT a pedophile, this place is nothing if not fair & balanced.

Why are you such a nervous nelly?

Even if he had an ironclad case, it would be a lot of effort for little reward; and something tells me* Joe doesn't have the work-ethic for it.

Plus, given that truth is a defence against libel, it would give us a chance to interrogate his ex-wife, ex band members, Ant etc. under oath, which would be funny. At the very least it would give Porsalin and Beige hours of footage for a new round of documentaries. Personally I'd give quite a lot of money to see Joe squirm as he watches his People's Court appearance in actual court; and then explain how he was lying under oath back then about not posting those racist tweets, but that he's not lying under oath now, honest. Oh, and the accusations of paedophillia are super damaging now but weren't when he kept bringing them up on national TV (without denying them) even though they were irrelevant to the matter at hand and nobody else mentioned them. Then there's the teensy-tiny risk he might say something damaging to his case during a couple of hours of solid grilling by an expert lawyer.

Also, is anyone else weirded out by people asking for free legal advice on Joe's behalf? "Hey, fellow kids - how would I.... I mean, Joe go about suing you? Asking for a fr... me, obviously"

* Mostly his publicly-available calendar and social media presence.