Dangerous Driver Jimmy

17  2019-03-11 by bovinebrain


how slow is that fucking fruit driving. I can see further than modern stopping distance through his phone.

How hot is Kelsey is this. All scared and vulnerable.

She texted her friend on a garage door opener, didn't know why he didn't text back.

All naggin but no baggin.

His dates get free private Chip Chipperson improv. It must be an absolute riot for whoever is lucky enough to end up in that passenger seat.

I bet he was blinking uncontrollably as he was riffing. Twitchy wormy faggot

Wow.. What an asshole.


Reminder that Jim fucks none of these women he spends all of his time with and is considered the gay best friend.

Jim, you are a diaper of a person

I would have loved that video end with a crash and only Kelsey walked away from it...

Dear Mister "I'm Too Good To Call Or Write My Fans" This will be the last package I ever send your Black Sabbath ass