Beards more convincing of masculinity than Sam's 1/∞

232  2019-03-11 by Christopher_Barton


She really thought that was a good idea.

Can't do it as a man. Can't do it as a woman.

Just another failed comedian who wouldn't have even got as far as she did if she wasn't moderately attractive 15 years ago. She must realize this, because she's spent the last decade or so trying and failing to prove her early success was due to her enormous writing talent.

She's probably a lousy cook too

And a boring lay

Just an all-around terrible housewife.

And comedienne.


She just has this 'dullness' to her personality. This inherent 'mopeyness' about her, that infers banging her would be like having Sex with a mannequin.

You need a new mannequin.

Poutine de pute

She also tried to burn down their apartment to get out of the lease.

Well, then add failed criminal mastermind/arsonist/fraudster to the list of things she stinks at.

My favorite bonnie but is when she called patrice a nigger on the radio, then went on to become a sanctimonious social justice twat

“I hate the word retard” marries one

Im surprised blue checkmark journalists aren't digging that up and freaking out about it

Man, Bonnie really fucked herself with that podcast she does with Rich. I haven't seen much of her stand-up, but I always thought she was funny, especially for a woman and funnier than most men. I didn't start disliking her til I heard what an insufferable bitch she is to Rich the 1 1/2 times I listened to their podcast


That man looks incredibly unfunny.

Material more convincing of talking skills and comedic understanding than Sam Roberts

Nice sarcastic title for your documentary trying to prove Christopher Hitchens wrong that you ironically ended up proving right, you fucking daft cunt

When Bonnie isn’t being sanctimonious or pretending to be an Olive Tree Cafe regular with incredulity towards her husband, she can be funny.

But for some reason, she dressed up as if Screech was trying to score R-Rated movie tickets and was shocked that the audience was totally distracted without a clue of what to make of her.

was shocked that the audience was totally distracted without a clue of what to make of her.

That and the fact that her material was fucking godawful

I don't know, her devolving into a stereotypical blubbering mess while wearing a cartoonishly awful disguise made me laugh like a hyena. So in that sense, women are indeed funny.


She's a terrorist from Team America. It's a dollar store Halloween costume. Nobody in the audience understand why a woman was doing the least effective cross-dressing in North America while performing deliberately bad material about purses. Its so misguided.

And the outcome is what the whole premise of the documentary rests on. They literally could have spent a couple hundred bucks tops to have someone make her look like a realistic guy. Now they wonder why the docs unsuccessful. Goddamn is everyone in the OnA dumb as fucking rocks

Or even easier, get an actual male comedian to do the same set one night and Bonnie another.

If only Bonnie were married to somebody who was also a business partner in the same career. That would be really easy to test as a theory.

Great work, Bonnie. Or should I say....Ahmed?

"Bonnie McFarlane (born March 28, 1973, in Cold Lake, Alberta) is a Canadian-American comedian and writer. She is best known for appearing on the second season of the TV reality show Last Comic Standing and for co-hosting the podcast My Wife Hates Me with her husband, comedian Rich Vos." She was probably born in 70 or 71. She's a cunt hair away from 50.

Nice career, stupid.

Oh look me and Bonnie were born on the same date. It's so exciting to share a birthday with a celebrity!

You should see if you can get a selfie taken with her.

Sam doesn't have a beard to showcase any some form of masculinity. He knows he's a faggot and in his warped head (both literally and figuratively) he thinks his personality is endearing. Sam has a beard to try (and fail) to hide his hideousness.

Sam has a beard because Porsalin came up with 101 creative ways to describe his ugly, simian-like philtrum and awful, weak chin and committed them to film.

Porsalin didn't come up with shit. The critique of his philtrum and double widows peak were already established on this sub well before that doc

I know, but come on. He brutalised him in a whole different league in that doc, especially the faux-BBC anthropology documentary at the beginning.

What a fucking brit lovin faggot

Porsalin is persona non-grata here

I decide who lives or dies

Can't decide on what's already dead

Fuck these niggaz. That first 60 seconds or whatever of the Sam doc was fucking ruthless.

"Bizarrely, Sam's dental anatomy fits in neither ancestry class, with a maxillary diastema more closely reflective of the Rodentia order of mammals such as rats, voles and squirrels."


What a stupid faggot this man is

Anybody in their right mind who was convinced this was a real man was the real comedian that night.

Anyone got a picture of Hugh Jackman's fat old wife?

Missy would work, too.


The giant eyebrows are a nice touch, too.

Having listened to the podcast, she's well aware shes not a good comedian

Even a fucking dog would be able to sniff out that halloween costume bullshit. At least get a real prosthetic.

Bitch looks like Spenny

I decide who lives or dies