Soros' Media Matters is going after Tucker Carlson, for being a real ass dude in 2006, on Bubba The Cum Sponge

0  2019-03-11 by Toss__Pot


Tucker's show is genuinely good. No wonder they're going after him. Fucking fags.

He’s literally the only tv “news” show or whatever guy I have ever actually liked.

Same. Used to think he was a bit of a boring dick in the bow-tie phase but he's come good.

He's much less gay than Hannity

If Tucker gets taken down were fucked

I noticed a lot of younger people like Tucker. People post his full show on YouTube and it gets like 30,000 views. Boomers don't like him because it's too complex for them. They like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh because their whole show is Democrats bad conservatives good.

They're always yelling.

He's genuinely set up a little third position niche for himself. He's also passionately anti-war now. Everyone should watch his show.


Which is nothing lol, you can't possibly think that is evidence of his popularity, John Oliver normally gets over 3 million views per video.

I'm talking about full episodes. The clips that Fox News posts gets 100k views. That's because leftists are always in the trending section

100K views is still not that much, so instead of making excuses, maybe you should just recognise he is just not as popular amongst young people as you insist.

Waaah, computers are stealing my job, please help me Mr. Trump.

Yeah, brilliant guy.

His head gained a lot of weight over the years

Damn he's more redpilled than I thought

He got falsely accused of rape around this time which also coincided with the John Stewart fight and he got radicalized.

The most shocking thing about this is that they listed “used the c word” first.

13 years ago.

This is the world we live in now.

faggot cocksucker