Newest Chip podcast out now featuring Tim Robards.

0  2019-03-11 by JimandFred


Look at Ants fucking wizened claw comfortably resting on fat tits' back.

Holy shit, Sam looks fucking horrible.

Ant's face pixelates itself

How'd that dingbat in the middle become CEO of comedy central? This explains why it's complete garbage.

Womyn are the future of comedy.

that 6 on the top right is annoying as fuck

I'm weirdly into her. She's Kerryn's friend and podcast partner.


That gigantic nose and jew mouth freak me out.

Hi my name is Anthony. In the last few years my head has doubled in size due to the growth drugs I take.

Anthony looks so shitty here. I’m glad he’s dying but wish he’d hurry up.

Miss when chip was a backwards hat and some aviators.

I'm so fawkin lame I'm planning a get together for the 100th ep.


That gigantic nose and jew mouth freak me out.