Yeah, that sounds about right

47  2019-03-10 by crookedmile


Jesus Ant. My mechanic could sell more books. Get it together ya bum

The foul stench of failure is the only scent he knows now.

I just checked, and man that bestselling list is depressing. Just a bunch of terrible self-help books for women.

At least the Jordan Peterson books says, "Wanna know why nobody likes you? Cause you suck. Be better." All of these books seem to be about, "Everyone else says you suck, but what do they know?! YOU GO GIRL! GIRL POWER!" Yuck.

All of these books seem to be about, "Everyone else says you suck, but what do they know?!"

That sounds more like the Cumia motto

Why did Ant think that picture was a good idea?

Woman beating is one of the worst and coolest of crimes. Street cred


Fuck big mama and her big cock

I want to live in a world where SNL could mock her buldge.

Hahahahhaa....yea u guys weren't kidding.

Is his book really this terrible? All I know about it I’ve seen on here

It is. It was posted here and I read it. The editing was abysmal, which isn’t entirely his fault, but he paid guys to help him write it and had no clue as to how terrible they were. The book is filled with clichés, terrible use of language, repetitive vocabulary, I can’t even describe to you how bad it was. If you look at the top 10 things you’re not supposed to do with a manuscript, they committed all 10 sins. This isn’t a bit: it was arguably the worst book I’ve ever read and I am actually entertained by his old stories. The writing was so bad that it was distracting. Editing was even WORSE.

"The city of Manhattan."

I think it’s really just something fans would be interested in but there’s nothing new that he hasn’t already discussed on the radio. So what’s the point?

His book cover is easily the worst book cover in the history of book covers. Every element of that photo is inexplicable. The prison motif, the old-timey microphone, that bizarre face he's making...and remember, the "team" behind PS considered this the BEST one of the lot. Imagine what the rejected book covers must be like.

Permanently Suspended is to books what The Room is to movies. Just mind-bogglingly bad on every level.

No entertainment value in that grilled cheese of a book though

I thought u fuckers were kidding when u said this prick sold less than 500 copies. Figured the signing was indicative of just the lack of faggots willing to go see him.

Figured he still sold 1200, maybe 2000 books. What a fucking joke.

He also sold it through his website and maybe one other place. Idk if that’s the best way to do it. You’d think you would want all your sales listed, not just the amazon sales. I still doubt he sold more than 200 copies elsewhere though. He probably didn’t break 500 total.

And most of his subscribers are ballwashwrs that eat up whatever he shits out so this even even more embarassing some how

Yes, but you have to remember that most of them can't read.

No what I'm saying is, most of his subscribers bought it. The amount of book sales probably is a decent parallel to a ballpark of his subscriber numbers

Yeah, no I got it, Rainman. I was making a joke

Oh, it contradicted mine so I was confused. Sorry bud, you're owed one handshake, mark it down.

I'll take a handjob instead please.

You have to be owed 2 handshakes to redeem for handjob.

It's true, you do need 2 hands to tug me off

#44 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Radio > General Broadcasting

Number 44. 43 above him.

Wow I cant even name 43 over radio broadcasters

it's literally being outsold by a thing called "How to Start and Build a SIX FIGURE Voice Over Business (Set Your VO Career on Fire!)", which sounds like something my spam filter usually takes care of.

295 sold in 5 months!!

What are the chances this book even sold more than 1000 copies? Ho-ly shit. What a fucking enormous failure he's become.

The book has only been out for five months..that's the total all time.

I can’t believe there are actually 295 losers that would buy that steaming pile of shit.

Welcome to /r/TACN

At least 200 of them were bought by Ant and Keith.

Every time I look at that cover photo I try to figure out if I’m missing some kind of movie reference or something. Every time I realize it’s just shit

most notorious shock jock? really?

notorious for what? finishing early and going home to play video games and drink alone? ooo wildboy behaviour right there.

This guy had a 20 year career on satellite radio, interviewing the biggest names on the planet.

He's sold that many books in the last five months? Thats a lot more than I would have thought. He must still be giving them out as gifts.

How does obscurity taste, fuckface!?!

This is a lot better than I thought he did.

You have to fall allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way down in order to RISE AG oh nevermind this fag's done

I've spent countless hours listening to that radio show (gayyy) and there still wasn't a single cell in my body that was willing to get that book. Fuck, I wouldn't even download it for free.


Who voiced the audiobook?

All of these books seem to be about, "Everyone else says you suck, but what do they know?!"

That sounds more like the Cumia motto

Permanently Suspended is to books what The Room is to movies. Just mind-bogglingly bad on every level.

"The city of Manhattan."