Weekly Free-For-All Thread: March 10, 2019

0  2019-03-10 by AutoModerator

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Every time Joe sits down, it starts to rain.

This shit thread was created more than two hours ago, and I’m still the first faggot able to post “first”.

Anyone else ever ejaculate with rollerblades on?

I got aids from Jim Norton’s toilet seat.

My name is William and I like women's nail polish

I am the werewolf

*fingernail polish.

Don't fuck up Will I Am Crippled's flow if you're gonna just use his material.

God I ruined it.

I saw this shitty new movie called Greta, starring Chloe Grace Moretz. By this time next week, it will rightfully be all but extinct from cinemas.

I'm not Cumia like in lusting after children, but when she was a kid who first hit the scene, you had to affirm the inevitability of her growing up to be a beautiful woman.

She instead evolved into a fucking monster. Absolutely bizarre looking. Bodily and facially abhorrent. And not a terribly good actor, either.

Seriously, her genetic code should be extensively studied in laboratories to determine exactly what happened.

Hollywood pedophiles happened

I thought she was gonna be like a rare 10cfor sure. Like she was creepily maturely hot in a cumia lust kind of way. I'm not familiar with her look now

No way she looks like that in the movie...?!

No, the angles are much more strategic and flattering. It was still hard to get into the movie’s story when she’s onscreen. Her physical weirdness and bad acting really take you out of it. Louis CK may have been the last one to capture her on film before she fell apart with age in the still-unreleased I Love You, Daddy.

She's built like missy.

I've been avoiding hard drugs for a bit (ie the best ones), & I'm feeling ok.

If my full spectrum of surreal funny (measured by loffing at my own jokes) hasn't returned by the last week of this month, I will re-drug myself for your pleasure.

You're welcome.

Try not to overdope; not too many familiar usernames left as it is.

No way you're feeling "ok" if they truly are the best ones. Or you aren't deep enough into the woods yet

Or perhaps by a “a bit”, he means a year

When i stopped smoking ice i felt like shit. But after a while I got back to my old piece of shit self.

Not to be a faggot but stay off it. Or at least moderate it. We need as many bullies as we can get.

I've been clean off speed for 2 weeks. Until yesterday when I did a few lines. And all I can say is I'm way more funny when I'm sober and the world is way funnier too.

The trick is to do drugs for so long that when you finally get sober it's like being high because you're not used to it anymore.

yeh, I'm quicker when I'm not on opiates, & yeh I feel a bit sober-high so I know what you mean. I just need to be careful not to rebound into depression, but I'll still enjoy a good drink - I'm a 'moderation' guy, not a sober fruit.

Stop this shit. Pin the Joe Cumia fuck-ups thread

Stop doing these

Stop buying reddit gold!!!

Its not gonna work, champ. Nobody is gonna buy you reddit gold because you're acting like you don't like it in the hopes someone will gift it to you ironically.

Wtf do I do with it? Stop supporting this shithole site..juat paypal the user an ipad or some shit like Cumia does,since you like his posts so much.

I'm not sure why I got a video on this Cosmo Wright character in my YouTube recommended videos. Got a nigga's....ribs hurtin.

It's damn annoying that they won't let you remove the dross from your DM history. How hard is it to apply one of the most basic messaging features. You reply once to some tongue-tied autistic and you have to have that mallemo-tier handle polluting your view forever.

Thanth-Onee, her sucky - 3 US dollar she 12

“Haha - holy shit! I mean, yeah...”

It would not surprise me if this ghoul has been to Vietnam

My work has low flow toilets. There is shit constantly streaked all over the place.

In 2017, a taxi driver filmed protesting against changes to taxi licensing in Melbourne, Australia was referred to as "Tsim Booky" on the Channel 9 Today Show; his statement was picked up by the Daily Mail.[15] τσιμπούκι refers to fellatio in modern Greek. In 2013, KTRK interviewed a college student claiming to be named "Abu Sharmouta". "Abu Sharmouta" is the Romanization "father of a whore" in Arabic.[16]

Check out Dirty John on Netflix. Eric Bana back to playing a predatory sociopath, great stuff.

Bloody Marys are fucking awesome

I highly suggest them