"Yeah, yeah...your movie. Got it. Anyways, do you like the feet stinky cause I love em stinky!"

108  2019-03-10 by bovinebrain


Norton is a fucking tool

Total reprobate scumbag piece of shit.


So is Tarantino. His nigger appeasement has turned me completely against him


I hate QT ever since he said Polanski raping kids was swell.

''Two multimedia equals''

That is the face of pure evil. Just look at him. If he wasn't a harmless little worm physically, Norton would commit atrocities.

Oh he'd be a prolific rapist/child molester if he didn't have all these trannies willing to let him suck their dick or watch them jerk it for 1,000 bucks

(the price of the trannies he fucks, and how unconvincing they are on top of it is highway robbery btw)

Why does Tarantino look like he's just about to say something in every picture he's ever taken?

He never shuts up

he's gearing up for a hard r

Cuck Tarantino shouldnt have given this worm a picture

He doesn't want to mother eff the worm and not getting interviewed by it again

How many times do you think Norton’s name has been brought up in higher circles?

Tarantino to Nicolas Cage: “Ugh, yeah that guy, the bald one who always asks for pictures...Ummm, what’s his name again? Oh! That’s right, Jim Norton. You don’t know him? Oh, come on, he’s the bald guy with the twitchy eyes... Yes, THAT guy.”

ooo you mean Jam Morton, the cuck pedophile right?

Fun Fact!

Jam Morton actually auditioned as one of the Pawn Shop owners. More specifically, the one who is sodomized on screen by Ving Rhames.

Fun Fact!

He didn't get the part, but played the Gimp AND the pawn shop owner's stunt double during every rape scene, and even tried to be Ving's stunt double for the scene where he got raped, but wasn't big, or black enough to do so.

Tim Horton?

Heard he lived with his parents until he was 30 and found an African American radio jockey riding his co-host's coattails, who could fake laugh at his unfunny jokes without feeling the urge to murder or brutally beat this twitchy little worm, as most people feel the need to do to after he speaks.

Tarantino is bewilderingly ugly.

Upload a pic of yourself right now.

What was it?

A better question would have been “why did you think it would help your career to date Kevin Federline’s baby mama?” Instead the worm veered into his addiction of pretending of pretending to be a sex fetishist.

Look at that picture... no doubt that worm is HIV+.

I don't know why you would say that. Look at his exercise and nutrition regime! Working with a female trainer is a wonderful idea Jim.

Worm actually looks like this pic is supposed to get him something. Probably hasn't even seen his good movies and only recognizes him from cameos in Sandler flicks.

Norton is a cunt.

What a beautiful lesbian couple.

Damn, Tarantino's got a big-ass forehead.

All that movie trivia stored up in there

Seriously, just look at him... Honestly, how can you hear him speak for more than a minute straight consider yourself a fan of his?

I mean how hideous he is wouldn't even matter, if he was even remotely amusing to anyone who isn't gay/trans.

Although the plunger in the latrine bit WAS slighty humorous.... The 1st 80 times he told it on air...

I hope Jim gets ALS for this.

before the joe bit Jim was the original ol' Dairy Cow Eyes

I hate both of the fucking faggots so much.

Also I know a lot of queer fucks lurking here are Tarantino fans who thinks his movies still holds up and are edgy. Fuck you too. Faggots.

Fun Fact!

Jam Morton actually auditioned as one of the Pawn Shop owners. More specifically, the one who is sodomized on screen by Ving Rhames.