Why did we forget about Logan Lynn?

0  2019-03-10 by Cumia_Box

Possibly a bigger faggot than Fatrick S. Tomlinson


He got smart and stopped responding so it wasn't funny anymore.

He lives in an RV now. It's just sad.

We broke him. He started off acting like he was going to take us head on, constantly sharing things from the sub to try & rally his lame followers but he finally realized it was futile and, ironically, took the Opie approach of not engaging us so it tapered off. The fat faggot sci-fi writer, on the other hand, is still feigning self confidence, therefore our work isn’t yet done.

Fair enough. Do you think deep down Fatrick knows that most criticism lobbed his way is actually true. I mean he legitimately thinks he's not fat so maybe not.

No he lacks any form of self awareness.

He appears to be completely lacking in any ability to be reflective, self critical or humble. I'd say no. He's built a world view around his tiny mind that sees any and all criticism of his obvious many faults and failures as the slings and arrows of the troll army that attacks Castle Patrick due the greatness of his intellectual empire and the justness of his cause.

It really attests to the normalization of fatness in our culture. Back in the day he would have been known as "Fatty Patty" the chubby guy.

Yeah, Logan is pitiable whereas Fatrick is so aggressively bad that you can't feel sorry for him.

The guy is so untalented he had his fake ‘tour’ cancelled before this sub even noticed him. What more could we do? He’s just an uninteresting narcissist. Boooooooring

Logan is good enough at fucking up his own life and being embarrassing for us to have made much more than a dent.

Also, after initially fighting and making it worse, Jay Mohr rolled over in bed and told him to just leave it alone and mouthfuck him, and it would go away. It worked.
