Exhibit D

0  2019-03-10 by BearKingfromAirline


let's workshop that

You should've workshopped this bit

Pay taxes

Know math, work, raise children, not rape.

Bathe, create the modern world, build space ships, pay taxes for your welfare.

Nice poorly-received bit, stupid.

This stinks too

OP is still a nigger.

Isn't it funny how when people trash white people it's like "you eat bland food and act like dorks."

I'll take it, honestly.

Can't find the clit,can't dance,can't stop fucking kids.

The most famous pedophile of all time was a black guy, dummy.

Gary Glitter cuck.

Oh you mean that one hit wonder who was 1/100 as famous as Michael jackson and got arrested for having child pornography?

Not the same as luring kids to your backyard and fucking them.

Also Michael Jackson was white. He started fucking kids when he was completely white.


The most famous pedophile of all time was a black guy, dummy.