“Proper pasty” why is this pretentious hack so desperate to signal his familiarity with British culture? “Ooh look at me mate, I’m avin a bloody nice pastie, you probably think British food is terrible but that’s just your unrefined palette, child.” Shut up stupid.

7  2019-03-10 by nainaneleven


What's the point of eating a meal if you can't broadcast it to your 11 followers on Instagram?

I forget, is Patrick an adult man or a 19 year old Asian girl?

Scottsdale is a hotbed of fine British cuisine.

I also like the fact that he's having what appears to be a light beer, and he also has a water glass. Make sure you stay hydrated, that Coors Light can really sneak up on you.


Cornish pasties are about as working class food as you can get. They were literally invented by Cornish miners as a way of getting meat, potatoes and vegetables into one easily portable meal. And this shithead acting like he's dealing with haute cuisine. Pasties in the UK today are what you pick up at a petrol station when you have a long drive and can't be bothered to stop and have a sit-down meal. They're fuel.

I downvoted for petrol station

Describing liquid petroleum as "gas" seems much more logical, of course.

keeps you from sounding like a dainty fop, at least

Frankly, that sounds like the kind of thing the Cumia brothers would worry about.

I’ve never had one that wasn’t a disgusting greasy mess. Same goes for sausage rolls. Only poor people and kids eat this slop.

Yes, hence miners