
0  2019-03-10 by literalotherkin


Expect to find him dead of an overdose 👀

Why does he smear his eyes in diarrhea

Faggot talks like a dumb girl

He stepped into (((their))) trap. Well played, Joos.

Isn't he a jew?

Just the bad half.

He's not exactly wrong.

They wouldn't say shit about bachi bazi or pedophile Rabbi's.

Was any other cast member while employed by SNL allowed to appear as themselves, not a character? He does this all the time, and if his jokes were good, I could see why they might do that.

if their dad died in 9/11 they would

Leslie Jones.

He's really holding up a mirror to society

I don't care WHO I PISS OFF in this room full of people that have the same exact opinions as me!!

Isn't this the same asshole who tried to say that Louis CK was never funny?