Hopefully Sam’s last meal after he bludgeons his wife and kid after finding out she gets BLACKED when he goes on his ComicCon field trips.

11  2019-03-10 by Newb0rn_Fleshlight


I don't want to come across as a negative Nancy here, but i really hope Sam Roberts is kidnapped and beheaded by isis

Maybe I’m old fashioned but I would very much like to see Sam’s feet and hands bound and force fed Dino nugs and gushers fruit snacks 24/7 while he watches Jess who is chained to a radiator and forced into sex slavery for colored gentleman. This cycle will continue until Sam becomes so fat and engorged that his heart stops beating but Jess gets a funnel shoved up her ass and gets passed around a bunch of Adebisi ass niggas.

This is going to come across as unduly abrasive, but I don't much care for Sam or his dietary choices.

I hate to sound crass, but I hope Sam gets violently raped by a pack of silverback gorillas

He couldn't bludgeon anyone. He couldn't even change his flat tire. He couldn't even eat a bite of steak.

Sam is too weak and pathetic to bludgeon anyone.

Sam sucks nigger cum out of Jess’s anus.

Reddit is nothing but sams and Patrick’s

I wouldn’t mind Sam getting this treatment


Scaphism, also known as the boats or (confusingly) cyphonism, is an alleged ancient Persian method of execution. The word comes from the Greek σκάφη, skáphe, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out". It entailed trapping the victim between two boats, feeding and covering him with milk and honey, and allowing him to fester and be devoured by vermin. The primary source is Plutarch's 'Life of Artaxerxes II', where he attributes the story to Ctesias, a notoriously suspect source.

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