I can't watch legion of skanks because Dave Smith is a fucking faggot

0  2019-03-09 by Popblawo

I like every one else but fuck man I can't stand him.


How about the new Daddy version?

He really does stink

Watch RAP then

Dave is an uneducated faggot. Remember the intro for his special deal?

No I do not, can you link me to it?

He had it scrubbed from the internet but my God it was hilarious

I probably could ignore what a fat douche Jay is if he was funny but that Dave is a total faggot and cannot be listened to.

Same problem with Cum Town. I’d probably enjoy it and Mullen is funny but whoever the cunt is with the annoying laugh is unbearable.

Dave Smith is fucking awful.. Zac Amico would be perfect as the third skank