Today I learned that calling someone a faggot and laughing at them = crying like a... child?

10  2019-03-09 by alphadromes


He has the gay accent right?

i cant imagine his voice is any deeper than a french horn

so condones violence against women?


cool guy actually

Any woman who disagrees with him and "mouths off" is fair game. He obviously has a history when you consider the courts forbidding him to see his own(?) kid.

It's also really funny seeing him )and that double chin of his) call other people incel's.

Yeah I'm not sure there's a woman alive who'd prefer him over me, not that I'm a male model or anything

This guy is so incredibly basic

Just another opportunity to report him to facebook for inciting violence against women.

It really is disgusting, what he's advocating

"It is recognized as a symbol of hatred" blah blah

Ya. Well pedos recognize children as sexy. It doesnt make it a fact you nutless half-man

Patrick does see all children's inner slut and tries to bring it out. I think he writes about it in one of his books.

Fuck you piece of shit...


You picked the gayest nemesis for yourself. Good fit.

Tubby retard.

What the fuck is a "nazi incel"? Wasn't one of Hitler's crazy goals to have nazis make as many babies as possible for his superior ra e or whatever? As wasn't this sub just called liberal cuck snowflakes by Joe or someone? None of this makes any logical sense.

No, child.

Does anyone else think he’s culturally appropriating the language of the AA community by using “child”?

I thought the whole 'violence against women' thing was a joke. I guess Pat really does condone beating up females. What a monster!

Why is this puffy ass toddler so invested in this shit? Fucking bore.

I hope he's miserable that he has to reserve his "wit" to the handful of boomers that read his drivel.

Orange man bad. Red hat bad.

What a simple buffoon.