Non-faggot who fights the good fight but trapo wiggers on this subreddit hate him

0  2019-03-09 by TonyFromLongIsland


Dafuck is a trapowiggerwhositwhatsit

Sit the fuck down, gramps.


Look at this mad ass faggot.

Correction:actual faggot who didn't fuck until he married his wife (beard)

Correction: actual brown nigger who impregnated a 15-year-old and thinks he's dank af

BASED comedian totally OWNS his virginity with LOGIC


i said it once and ill say it again, he is such a hateable faggot, but he fucking wrecked joe rogan. didn't hold back a bit. called joe a spineless pussy to his face (look up the weed argument between them). I think Joe actually calls him baby boy or something hes so mad. I know thats a Jim thing, but Joe does it.

Which is the personality of literally 90% of the faggots on this subreddit. Joe Rogans and Worms

Bro you trying to eat a gorilla head kettlebell?

Are you that u/SamRobertsPhiltrum faggot?

Is the good fight against premarital sex, offensive depictions of jesus and weed?

If you care about people having morals and liking Jesus then that makes you the faggot, my friend.

I thought you were trying to defend Steven crowder, now you are calling him a faggot?

Do you honestly think your retarded, wet-brained fucking 80 IQ ass could win a debate against ME, much less Crowder? I'm sure you'd fuckin' own him dude. Tell him he's real cringe ayy lmao xD

he's real cringe ayy

I agree.

Again I ask you, is telling people to not have sex before marriage "the good fight"

Is the opposite the good fight? Fucking mongoloid.

Neither. It's not mutually exclusive.

You know people who actually wait to start a family, rather than fucking a nigger and getting pregnant at 16, live much better lives on average? It's an actual proven fact. Stop being a degenerate, liberal faggot for once in your cucked ass life.

Are you familiar with contraception?

I have no issue with people fucking with or without contraception. It's one opinion of the fucking guy. Obsessing over Crowder's opinion kind of makes you the faggot.

You are the one claiming he is fighting "the good fight", but now you don't care about what he is "fighting" for.

So is he fighting the good fight or not?

He can fight the good fight and still have some stupid opinions.

Haha what a retard, and anyone who thinks someone so stupid is fighting the good fight is even more retarded.

I figured you'd have no actual answer to me last statement. LOL faggot nigger

I did have an actual answer...

He can fight the good fight and still have some stupid opinions.

I disagree with your retarded logic so responded appropriately.

He also hates weed, which I happen to smoke every day. Weird how that works.

So he's fighting the good fight, yet you think he is stupid and don't agree with the things he is fighting for.

Probably if I smoked weed every day that might make sense.

Like I said, you care way too much about this and are a fag.

I figured you'd have no actual answer to me last statement.

I fucked your mom's shitter twice

Of course someone as retarded as you defends a retard like Steven crowder.

Great point. "durr you can't like steven or support him cuz u smokes weed and have premarital sex" <- the mongoloid retard thinking he's smart.

So is he fighting the good fight or not?

Dear God you're an actual mongoloid retard - it's frightening because you're just barely literate enough to fool people into believing you're capable of competent thinking.

So if he isn't fighting the good fight, why did you say he was?

Mongo Lloyd.

Is he fighting the good fight, yes or no?

Are you mongol oid?

A stoner who has premarital sex declaring that an anti weed, abstinence campaigner is fighting the good fight.

I think we both know who the mongoloid is.

You've spent like 10 hours trying to convince me of some point that you'll never make. I like it. I have control of your life. - goes back to play more video games -

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You said something really retarded and can't really defend it. It's quite amusing.

Maybe he's right about weed and how stupid it makes you.

You have a sad life, don't you?

Maybe if I smoked weed every say to the point of retardation I might be as happy as you.

A stoner so stupid he thinks Steven crowder is fighting the good fight must be as happy as a pig in shit.

Admit that you just really hate him because of his political views, and you're so lonely and without power in your own life that you think you've seized upon a chance to bother one of his fans? I just think it's funny, that's all. You keep repeating the same retarded point when you know you've already lost.

I don't hate him. I think being an abstinence anti weed campaigner is stupid and worthy of mockery. but what's even stupider is a stoner who thinks he's fighting the good fight.

I think Hitler was a vegetarian too but well, y'know.

Are you retarded?

I dare you to get into discord with me

Can you answer a simple question? If you disagree with him on weed and sex, how exactly is he fighting the good fight?

Because he is. They're not mutually exclusive.

Wait let me respond for you "So w8 u tink some1 against weed n sex is fightan da good fite????"

What is he fighting against that is the good fight?

Liberal scum faggots like you who do shit like this all day long cuz they're powerless.

His definition of liberal scum would include stoner fornicators like you.

You being illogical and stupid doesn't make me mad. It's very funny. But being confronted this contradiction makes you very defensive.

UMAD. He'd love me and give me a spot in the van once dotr comes.

Trapo wiggers?

You've spent like 10 hours trying to convince me of some point that you'll never make. I like it. I have control of your life. - goes back to play more video games -