Can we stop pretending to like Opie now? Can we end the bit?

0  2019-03-09 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I’m not saying “Let’s put energy behind starting up an active hate campaign again”, because I think the Cumia’s at this point deserve it more, and it’s obviously much more fun to pick on Joe than anyone else in the O&A universe.

But enough already with Opie: he’s a lying, passive-aggressive, egotistical hack faggot.

YES: That’s still better than being a pedophile.

YES: He’s still a father and husband, which makes him the morally sound one out of the three.

And I suppose you have to give him credit for putting Ant and Jim on blast so badly, that they couldn’t fight back and pussied out completely. I get how all those things are appealing.

But I always assumed this sub liked people that were consistently funny and not a faggot. That those two simple facets are what makes this sub like the people it likes (Colin, Norm, Denny, etc). Are you telling me that Opie completely fits that criteria? And that the subs not wasting it’s time venerating this faggot?


That's the bit

But bits have that unfortunate habit of not being as funny as they used to be, know what I mean?

Well sir, as the namesake of this fan sub always said, "We drive the bit into the ground". We've taken that lesson to heart.

I got tired of that song lyrics thing you used to do, but never said anything. We need to give each other space to develop our craft.

The well that is Joe Cumia should be enough for us all to draw from. I don't know why we need to have a side dish of inflating the head of an autist.

I can't really talk as I wasn't here when Opie had a lower rating. It's a tough one, better refer it to the elders.

I see Joe as the lowest of hanging fruit & seems at times like tellin a retard "Nice shirt stupid."

Yeah ,he's fucking retarded.

Though it's real popular with guys who murder their children in imaginary car chases I've heard.

If you form a community of pretend brothermen, you will eventually attract and get taken over by actual brothermen.

Leave. It. Alone. Faaawwwwwkk

In the land of the faggots, traitors, failures and tranny loving degenerate drunks, the Brothaman rises above.

No one really venerates him. Every pro Opie post has obvious sarcasm to it. Just let it go. The dude created Opie and Anthony. Let's just be real here. He absolutely did. Hate him or not the dude went to school for it and did his time in different markets. Anthony is a talented funny guy but no one would've put him on the air. You saw that Stern showcase. Opie probably kept their show on the air for as long as they had it. You think Cumia was making deals with Radio guys? And really Opie isn't always unfunny. He has his role, being a douche, being moody, his autism. It plays a role. What jimmy picking an easy target and bashing it for 20 minutes is some genius work? It really isn't. Anthony referencing 30 year old movies? Cmon. I don't ball wash Opie but... DO THA BIT!

And really Opie isn't always unfunny.

Any half retard can get one funny line out in a four hour comedy show. Opie, however, was so afraid of bombing that he would tag any attempt at humor with a long explanations of the joke or by yelling BAH DUM BAH BUH DUM BAH! He fucked with Vos for bombing all the time, but at least Vos didn't have to add a sound effect after every joke he made as some lame attempt at irony.

This sub is about a radio show we thought was funny, not about how well-adjusted the radio hosts are. The least funny guy of the three has a gold digging wife and two kids. Congrats. Can we stop pretending as if we like Opie after bashing him for years now?


the opie bit didnt kill this sub the same way you dont technically die of AIDS itselt

It bothers me that Opie probably thinks it’s genuine praise.

that pleases me

you are assuming that the things you're saying haven't been already considered. That should tell you how much hate there actually is for egg stuffer and moose rings.

his podcast speaks for itself. unlistenable.

I miss reading the reports of how banal it was

Opie rundowns were great.

Who Are These Podcasts still run bits from OpieRadio.

Who cares? Why do you need people to agree about Opie or any other issue?

It's ridiculous how some people on here praise or condemn certain men and demand of everybody else to join in.

And why are you a fag? We'll never know the answers to these questions...

Do you mean the Opester? It's not a bit!

So what's the end goal here, to get Anthony mad? Or to somehow lull Opie into thinking it's genuine? Neither of them have mentioned it in months.

Now it's just people making ironic comments to other people who are in on the joke. It's like telling other dudes how horny you are and how much you want to fuck a chick in the Pornhub comments. Who's the joke on really?

Obviously the joke is on the whore

But she is never going to see it. So it's just you telling other guys you are jacking off while pretending you're straight.

It's the sub at it's most confused: No one here has father figures or positive male role models, they've tried to find that in O&A (which was obviously a mistake), rightfully blamed Opie for blocking the show's progression but gravitated toward him because of the balance and control in his life (him being a husband and a father).

Yet Opie's very existence is inconsistent with what the sub, as a whole, looks for in it's hero's.

So they appreciate him for his "manliness", but his faggotry rubs against the ethics of this sub.

It's a tough one, man.

Being pro-Opie got us the jay mohr fiasco

You just brought another six months of brotherman love, bortherman

You had enough?

I still like the guy. He's funny in his own right. Lots of times Anthony and Jimmy laugh at each other's riffs but it really wasn't funny. O and A isn't strictly a comedy show. Its shocking. And Opie brings that. But do as you will, I will pretend to stop liking him and just like him for real.

When you review Ant and Jim's humor, sure they had some good bits and lines. But they also have so many played out and repetitive crutches. Godfather and Goodfellas references. Ant went through a year or two period where he randomly said "is it reasonable?" In the Fargo chicks voice several times a day.

Jim with his tranny and other edgy sexual references.

Not bit

ur gay

This sub won't be happy until all those guys are living in obscurity. This sub is so rebellious they rebel against the rebels and hate each other.