Doug Stanhope's penis

28  2019-03-09 by GeoffreyArnoldLives



Eh, at least he owns up to his small dick.

Yea. What a small, little tiny dick right?

Not like us - with our big giant dicks - swinging past our knees. Right?

yes. too bad Stanhope is not one of us

I know right. He probably comes on here for hours before writing new material. Trying to feed off our genius & our big dick energy...

And 'member when those middle eastern bros said "we have no effect on their lives"? Think again!

You and Doug should start a small dick club.

We already have, Diggler.

Whenever a dick pic is posted - some jerkoff always comes thru mentioning how small the dick is...

As if they need to point out, in the cesspool of degenerates & psychopaths - that this is a small dick based on what their carrying.

Thx for proving my point tho - being that guy.

We would love to have u join our club. Just post a pic of your prick, quickly. And send me any extra pics u have laying around. U know, to make sure u qualify for club membership.

Speak for yourself. My Dick is average which of course us code for small.

My girlfriend says my dick is "perfect".

Translation: "My ex's dick was so much bigger than yours."

he looks like the one guy at a swingers party that ends up with the fat chick

It's not that small for an almost dwarf

Optical illusion

It’s gonna be a sad day when he eventually necks himself

It'll be gun.

He’s said he’s not suicidal ever

You don’t really mince words, do you?

Good for him

I just zoomed in on this dumb comics hog just as the wife walked by, I’m like well what had happen was.

Doesn't explain why you were coincidentally jerking off.

Actually I believe he did explain that adequately

There's a good pic of him pulling his dick out in front of Louis Ck and Sarah Silverman in his latest book.

what is this from?

Class A faggot

Can't be him. He had a internal hernia for years.

I know right. He probably comes on here for hours before writing new material. Trying to feed off our genius & our big dick energy...

And 'member when those middle eastern bros said "we have no effect on their lives"? Think again!