Not to be outdone by his little brother, Joe Cumia also has a pool in his backyard -- a typical white trash above ground inflatable pool, but a pool nonetheless!

74  2019-03-09 by Wolosocu


It also serves as Joe's bathtub now since he outgrew his indoors one.

“Backyard” is being pretty generous for this flea bag condo. I guess the back is where he ties up ugly Carol so he can go menace other, more productive citizens in his shitty little Fiat.

Was hoping he would have a trampoline, that uncoordinated fat fuck flipping off and biting his tongue off would be wonderful.

That’s in the front yard

Where I'm from it's illegal to have a pool in an unfenced yard

Dumb law

I think someone should notify the town of Brookhaven about Joseph Cumia’s unfenced pool.


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Thats not a pool, its a child spit fountain

Compound E A S T

$100 gift certificate to a nice restaurant in the heart of Huntington village to person who defecates bloody diarrhea in that low class cunts kiddie pool

My feces is dense, dense and rich.

Wow he lives in a fucking dilapidated shitheap. Makes brotonys compound look like Caesars.

A pizza delivery guy lives a higher quality of life than this lazy loser.

Yeah, but a delivery man has to work. SloJoe can just lounge around in his kiddie pool tweeting at lib-tards all day.

You think sniping pepperonis and flicking your cum on people's pies is work?

This makes me almost feel sorry for the fat Ass

I use one of those as a toilet in my front yard

That's a kid spit reservoir.

This clown lives behind a Speedway gas station. No wonder he’s pretty much retarded.

What a fucking dump. It looks like a shittier version of one of the dummy homes in those nuke test site towns.

Nice half-moon shaped dead grass during the winter months, stupid.