
3  2019-03-09 by nomobjustice


Fucking illegals running non-permitted, unsanctioned cookie and lemonade stands. Build that fucking wall.

Leaving Marie's Italian Deli

There's something about his appearance over the last 6 months that creeps me out. He either looks like a propped up corpse or like he's about to puke in every picture.

He looks like a dead Brazilian gangster propped up on a crotch rocket after being pumped full of formaldehyde

Carl steadying himself and trying not to puke after another night of "Ruizing" aka eating and drinking himself into an early grave.


.#Ruizing #Pizzagate

what a surprise, the friend of an active pedophile is also a pedophile.

this isnt a joke, people. gregg "opie" hughes is the leader of a pedophile ring

On the next season of "True Detective"