Non faggots from Milwaukee Wisconsin 2/3

69  2019-03-09 by alphadromes


They probably rubbed dicks together. They look guilty of something.

I don’t know who these men are and I’m too lazy to reverse image search. I’ll take your word for it.

They're movie nerds but they are actually funny and not faggots.

The fat one's funny. The other dude's a cunt, but not the worst kind.

He is like a weasel

Why is Jay a cunt?

Hes slightly pretentious, Mike's fucking hilarious, Jessi is missing and presumed dead, Jack and Josh are incredibly annoying hipsters, and when Rich Evans laughs the world wants to smile with him.

Nothing wrong with being pretentious. I guess some people just aren't the sorts who can appreciate it ^.^

I like Jack.

Rich is funny but abrasive.

I miss Pre Rec.

I didn't like Jack at first, but the more I watched Best of the Worst the funnier I thought he was.

The hackers review he did with Macaulay Culkin was great

Red Letter Media.

The boys actually did a half-hour (positive) bit on their Phantom Menace review, even though the movie had been out for a decade or so.

Nice Tim and Eric, stupid.

Rich Evans is a pedophile

How dare you?

Do you think this sub just throws out pedophile allegations willy-nilly?

Yeah what do you think we do here, you monster?

This is one of about five YouTube channels I subscribe to. I watch 100% of everything they put out. I suggest you do as well.

I don't want people here to do that, because I don't want to find out shit about RLM that makes me dislike them, and that's basically all this place is good for.

Hack frauds!

They make great content but their comments sections are full of the lamest people that constantly say shit like "hack frauds." It's cringe as fuck. We got it, it's a reference.

Nice come back stupid

I've come to the conclusion that all people from Wisconsin are gay and/or rapist cannibals.

see: Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer

Also: They hate Kevin Smith, AND Kevin Smith hates them, largely because they hurt his feelings.

OK in my book.

They had Rich pretend to shit on a magazine or something with his face and name on it.

It was Mr. Plinketts bowel movement in a bag, that broke. Kinda the same.

This sub only likes them because they dress blue color and use simple words. I guess they can smell their own. You know how much these guys charge for con appearances and autographs? If you knew how much they bank you'd hate them too.

They are funny and have a generally good taste in movies. If anyone thinks they are blue "color" than they obviously didnt notice the massive warehouse, sets and rooms they have at their studio, retard.

i obviously triggered you.

massive warehouse in the midwest. where even a shittty burger king employee has a few acres. are warehouses blue color mansions? honestly asking have no idea.

No, you saying they are fake blue collar is the fucking whole bit of Half in the Bag you dope. No one thinks they are blue collar but I guess since people like something its obviously trash to you. Also it's "collar" not color you dumb fuck.

you never answered my question. is a warehouse a mansion to people like you?

These boys are a couple of good eggs, and Rich Evans is a saint. A fat fucking saint.

These two are the only good ones on RLM. Rich Evans, that bald cancer guy, and that fat bald beard guy can all go jump in a lake.

Glad they canned that bitch but how dare you talk trash about Rich.