But no mention of refunding the guy that payed just to see Bam. Crooked pig.

14  2019-03-09 by RBuddCumia


What sort of shows was Bam doing at Westside CC? Is he a comic now?

pretty sure they said the tickets were like 50 bucks too.

Nice specificity, stupid

I really don’t like people who correct grammar, especially online. However, why is it a recent trend that people are misspelling paid as “payed?”

That’s terrible, I’m sorry.

They blocked me so I can't further pursue my refund. If any of you warriors take up my cause, let Queef the Cop know my account was [email protected]

Nice failing to fuck with your more superior ex cohost, stupid.

What a fuckin idiot, Bam Margery was in the area looking for obscure podcasts to do and you blew it. There won’t be another time