Happy International "Women"'s Day

115  2019-03-08 by ObscurityBound




It's not clear at all. It could be a Vince Neil tribute singer

Some women have penises, get over it

C'mon "guys"

Chelsea Handler lookin' good with short hair.

Not very ladylike, I must say.

The funniest part of that whole episode is that she's a rapper.

It’s so goddamn bad too.

Of course it is. Reality is not his strong suit.

He's about as trans as Buffalo Bill.

It puts the lotion on its skin or gets fucked with my 7 inch clit again.


Willem Dafoe in boondock saints

With a dash of Will Ferrell

And Brian Bosworth

he looks like till lindemann.

This dude used to be great on Kids In The Hall


He got the girl.

Became the girl

Anyone listened to the rap song he dropped after the incident?

I read that station ID as "KNOB".

that's a man's kinda woman


This dude can scrap too.

He's got a bunch of videos on liveleak where he cuts down banana trees with muay thai strikes - while maintaining a full erection.

It's not pork...it's ham

This is the type of hefty lass you French kiss in the dark.

hahaha where is this screen shot from?? I wasn't aware that anybody actually ended up tracking it down after it had that meltdown in game stop


never mind found it... that reporter looks like he ended up getting railed out by it after they finished taping the report

That nigga has a son. Poor fucking kid.

Get the fucking gas ready.

She looks like iggy pop

This dude's a rapper lol

This ma'am is also a battle rapper. There's a video on YouTube of him in a freestyle battle. It's one of the most cringey, wish a bomb would have been dropped right then things I've ever seen.