Reminder: Jim Norton lived with his parents until his early-mid 30's

164  2019-03-08 by bovinebrain


Reminder: Jim worked at a hardware store where he smoked so much weed on his breaks that his co-workers would call him Toast... Even though the timeline for that doesn't line up with his sobriety story

Imagine paying money to get high at your job, to earn money from said job, to buy the weed to get you high.

been there

Sucks for you

Well we all cant rock stars like you bub.

I worked construction and never smoked meth AMA

Mr humble brag over here. Link me your next blog post so i can read all about it.

I know I know, autographs after the show.

I like it when you switch to being friendly. Its nice. Good boy.


Gotta love those catch phrases.

I’ve been there.

Is this the “leave it alone” for pathetic drug addicts?

Leave it alone

I seem to have struck a nerve with or stimulant using friends. Oh well lol their life still sucks.

2 weeksh without a dexedrine in my body

It’s funny how everyone here would slam any sort of character fault, but once I mention their depressing dead end lives it’s all downvotes lol.

I've been taking speed for 7 years now and I really am clean for two weeks. You're right though fuck these druggie losers.

Didn’t realize the demographic for this show crossed into speed addicts

We're a riot!

Drugs rrrule

Your life

Imagine we are bunch of apes on a rock

Jamie pull that shit up

Also Jamie pull yourself out

Imagine an existence where you don't know what that's like. Holy shit go play catch with your dad now.

I worked construction, I just didn’t spend my checks on meth like some of the other dudes. No go snort or pop something, stupid.

There you go again patting yourself on the back for not doing meth. Your a faggot.

Coming from the guy who probably slings hot meth loads on truck stop lizards. Have fun being a pathetic drug addict, stupid.


I didn't know if you were one of those violently gay truckers, or secretly violently gay construction worker. Really there's two option for someone offended his meth use is being criticized.

Nice logical inference stupid.

awwwwwww nice try sport.

You said "awww" Lol next your going to start calling me child or sweety. Your a real grid iron tough guy.

And you're a sad pathetic dead end job having drug using loser, stupid.

Lol says the construction worker. Your a real world breaker.

I quit and I'm in college now ;)

Why are you telling me your life story you queer?

Seems u liek me :P You're so buttmad because you saw a comment calling you pathetic drug addict lifestyle is just that, pathetic.

Hush now. Its over.

Ok methhead faggot.


Is that the sound sizzling meth on foil makes? TIL


That's a pretty big hit of meth dude

Ok dude.

Oof you’re such a cringey faggot. “Drugs are like cooo00ol maann” lol until you wind up a drug addict faggot like yourself.

Lol now whos mad. Go write a book about what you learned then go show people. They will like you for it and call you a special person.

And im not going to downvote you because im not gay.

Coulda fooled me faggot. Why did this get on your drug addled nerves so bad? No money until next paycheck and you need a fix? huh stupid?

My nerves? What are you babbling about?

you're very mad

Ever have an argument with a woman? This is what they do? Because they have nothing to say. Its ok. Just stop talking.




Just suck it up hole.


His greatest achievement is he never did meth. Like the other 95% of the world. Have you also never shot carfentanil? Because if so you really made it

He also did construction and is now going to college. He said this all to a stranger unsolicited.

And you all are crying in your puddles of shame. Like I said earlier. ENJOY. DEAD. END. LIFE. Pathetic drug addict. Your life isn’t even yours, it’s your drug dealers. You’re like a slave. I’m just glad I mad so many faggots who either work shit warehouse jobs, drive truck, or do construction just to get high and have their life pass by faster than normal, because normal makes you sad :(

Try harder.

If you’re going to rip on someone it has to at least be funny. That’s why you are getting downvoted, you are not funny

Thanks for the input.

Construction, well excuse me sir. I didn't realize. How long were you in the village people?

Been there too


I like it when go all caps baby.

man toast, what a cool nickname!

Yeah he holdin'


They named him toast because he is bland and flavorless.

And all the while he was holdin'

There it is, I was just about to get there

N word.

I will pick your cotton but dont call me no farmer I fuck your wife while you writing poetry on a horse

Hell yeah ya hard r.


Shit i never thought of that but you're right. He claims to be drug and alcohol free since age 17 but he also talkes about getting high when he worked at caldor.

It's all lies, all of it, Norton is the most boring human being alive. He would've rotted in his mommies house with home cooked dinners and 0 life experience till they both wasted away, but brotherman Gregg lierally saved his life. What thanks does he get? Nothing but backstabbing. Heads on swivels at all times lambchops

I wonder what person in Jim’s life actually had that experience that he subconsciously made his own and morphed into like water, he is empty inside. He is a combination of other people’s personalities that he absorbed

That's the origin of the Toast thing? Fuck that's pathetic


Don't forget he'd fuck the hot black chick on his breaks too.

You forgot to add in the 90s when that shit was unheard of

^ This!

whatsa matter baby boy? You think women owe you sex, you pathetic little dick loser?

later that night

this FUCKING plain jane CUNT waitress would touch my hand when I gave her the tip for the past 5 months. I ask her if she wants coffee tonight some place else and she almost starts crying and goes to the manager to say something, pointing at me in my seat. Who does she think she is? She's a hush puppy. That's what you are you fucking BITCH. You go to the shoe section and you're HUSH PUPPIES. FUUUUUUUCK YOU.

Well, when you're this much of an annoying, seemingly talentless, little attention whore you're going to be involved in some hypocrisy at some point.

His "early-mid 30's." To be fair, he lived with his parents until his early-mid-late 30's.

Anthony Cumia is a pedophile

Straight and to the point. Two things that do not describe Joe Cumia.

REMINDER: Jim Norton pays men in heels to urinate in his mouth.

I should’ve seen the warning signs when I first heard his standup. His act is absolute trash. It’s just him trying to recreate his best O&A moments onto an audience, and it falls so flat that I can’t believe people actually book him.

He's charging CK price too

Well, at least he shows his appreciation for that by lavishing them with gifts on the holidays.

REMINDER: Jim did crack, drank, did coke, freebased, did heroin and meth, but was sober at 15, 16 and 17 according to his many versions of the truth. Also keep in mind, Jim Norton is a lying cunt.

Jimmy's retarded. Cut him some slack.

Look. My friend Jimmy smelled a shot of whiskey when he was 17 and became an alcoholic. He had a process to go thru, and it was a hard time for everyone. He needed the support of his parents and "the program".

What a waste to go to rehab when you haven't hit rock bottom. He doesn't even have any good drinking stories.

"Throw hot oil on em Stanley"

Imagine knowing your son grew up to be an anorexic flatulent sissy cum-slut who cosplays as "Chip Chipperson". I'd imagine you'd feel like your entire life was all for naught.

I worked construction, I just didn’t spend my checks on meth like some of the other dudes. No go snort or pop something, stupid.

Didn’t realize the demographic for this show crossed into speed addicts