Due to Sams_seed teasing you with the promise of feet pics, i submit this for your pleasure

0  2019-03-08 by LoouisCuCkpartDeux


Nice foot, stupid.

Who knew Brie Larson lingered longer?

Corn toes. Fix em' dammit! GROSS.

What are corn toes and how do I fix them?

They break all the toes surgically (not the big fella's) and put rods in them to keep them straightened. I was just being an asshole anyway. Your toes aren't bad enough to require extreme measures.

Too late. My self esteem is in the shitter and the appointment has already been made!

I bet you have a huge cock. Does that help?

And a strong hairline.

I don't but it does

do Podiatrists jack off to feet?

Sometimes. Depends on who they're attached too.

Ugh you make me SICK

Thank you.

OK real question, I broke my small toes like 5 times and my house doctor, who is also a retarded homeopath, said there is no way to fix this really and the best I could do to fix this is just tape my toes together while they're healing. Is this really the case?

He's not far off. If you're looking for a "free" or budget minded solution, there is one. Go to your local pharmacy and get a tongue depressor or wound application tool. (wood only) measure and cut the depressor to comfortably fit between your toes. Tape with medical tape (mesh, absorbs moisture and prevents a rash/ringworm from occurring). Tape recommendation: 2 strips securely affixing the two toes together. Secure does not mean tight. Hope this helps. 4 weeks minimum of support. Avoid activities that require you to put extra pressure on that area of your foot or anything that requires you to standing on the balls of said foot excessively.

Thx for the advice . As you might have noticed from the homeopathy shit, I'm from Germany so its not like money is an issue, since Healthcare and shit. Would there have been a better way to fix my toes than what you just described?

Generally, unless there has been an associated significant fracture/break in either a supporting toe or the foot, we don't set in a cast. Air casts aren't feasible for this type of injury as well as it tends to inhibit movement more than a simple sports splint does.

Did you really drink beers with Mr CooL ICE?

Yes. Pretty normal guy tbh

Cool, how about you are you into anything weird?

Pegging mostly

My feet put Brie Larson's to shame

Monkey foot. Better not post your face, I guess.

even your feet have FAS