More responsible gun owners than Anthony 3,467/5,473,124,970

16  2019-03-08 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


Better writer too

Hey I just started watching a documentary about this gay ghoul this morning


Ah what the heck do I know.

I just fill up my container of coffee and try to show up to the job site on time.

another day, another dollar. working for the man...

Who is this?

Randy Stair

I don’t remember his name. He made YouTube videos plotting his plan to trap his coworkers in a warehouse and shoot them with shotguns. He went through with it and killed 2 or 3 people and himself.

Randy Stair

I don’t remember his name. He made YouTube videos plotting his plan to trap his coworkers in a warehouse and shoot them with shotguns. He went through with it and killed 2 or 3 people and himself.