Discussing Bam and Opie

92  2019-03-08 by ShiIIyFaggot


Landau, your wife is a fat fucking pig. There is validity to that point. She's a big ugly fatty.

My main takeaway from this clip is that Bam fucked Opie's wife.

I interpret his comments as giving us a green light to point out his wife’s weight problem.

How can you spend 20 years working with someone, and not having a clear answer if another celebrity fucked your co-worker’s wife?

Anthony avoids anything resembling confrontation.

But he has all those guns!

He's a "tough" Long Islander. Not one to be messed with........

You’ll be missed man. You’ve been marked by the sons of tranthony. Joe will suck the spit out of your mouth until your dried up and mummified.

He's unapologetic massive

I think you mean “another former celebrity”.

Ant knows the guy who started the rumor (ben sparks) and he eventually admitted to making it up. Opie pressed harassment charges against him for libel or something. it's technically been "answered" for years now, but ant was hoping to yuk it up with Bam over this HUGE gag that has played such a large part in all of their lives. in retrospect it was probably better for anthony to have him no-show, because Bam already denied it on-air and probably hasn't given it a single thought since then. ant would've looked stupid as fuck bringing it up, bobbling back and forth in his chair with excitement.

Doesn't change the fact that Opie's wife definitely is in the background during a couple episodes of Viva La Bam.

Is this confirmed? Bam was the high priest of philly trash for many years, if she was around he definitely fucked her.

Probably did, yeah. Or maybe one (or many) of his junkie friends was fuckin her. The fact that bam denied it doesn’t really mean much, given he was on the show of guy who married her when he said that. But like I said, it doesn’t really matter as opie and her hadn’t even met by that time.

Could you give me an idea of what episode/s she might have appeared in? I had all those dvds as a kid and now my curiosity is piqued.

I have it on good information (not this sub’s “100% confirmed” either) that they fucked.

No sex tape. No paternity drama. Just premarital sex, you fucking hens.

Most damning was the rumor of a sex tape.

Sounds like they already cleared the air there Ant

be honest and say you wanted to re open old wounds, pussy

We got any old wound-pussy back there, Earl? I'm fuckin' starvin'.

Fresh out boff.

Ant is not well. Grey tinge to the skin caused by liver problems and or kidney disease.

Haha! He’s still hilarious

He is morphing into a mean caricature of himself. Bloat-faced lizard.

dave looks pretty reptilian here as well

He does look sick

Very disrespectful.

What a fucking liar, he wanted to bring it up to annoy opie.

He wanted to bring it up because talking about Opie is the only thing that generates any interest in his show. People will post clips of his show if he's talking about Opie. No one post clips of the 2,364th time he quotes FBI statistics.

Wow what yenta's.."we" want to address the rumors that we addressed ten years ago ..what a cowardly faggot.

or was told "Compound America" will charge for the beer and sodas.

"Landau's wife looks like Bobby Kelly with a weave."- Kevin Brennan

"You plough-fucker!" Kevim Brennan to Dave Landou.

I think Opie might drop some hammers after this. Its clear even mentioning it like this is a shot at Opie, He didn't even have to have bam on. Opie have mercy on this black

head swivel

Opie should have Bam on his free podcast.

Anthony is perpetually stuck in the past. Without Opie he is nothing

He knows it too. That's why Ant has offered Opie 50% of his worthless network on multiple occasions and has Keith practically begging him to get back in touch on Twitter. Then when it doesn't work he goes straight back to bashing him on his show like the teenage girl-brained faggot he is. I'm not surprised Opie despises him and Norton. They're both such phoney, pathetic little fucks.

for 20 years the only time Anthony left his house to do anything other than go to the shooting range was to go back and forth from work with opie. what else does he have to talk about besides 70's TV shows and everquest?

Movie starring Brian Cranston about a drug lord and loadsa money, you interested?

Nice plug there to a far better free podcast there Keith, now that’s how you executive produce!

"Go listen to Cumtown. The podcast hosted by that Mullen fella who says he no longer wants nothing to do with Compound Media due to the numerous (and credible) child molestation accusations leveled against Anthony.

mullen never said that

he did like a week ago, no? there was a thread here linking to it

thanks for doing my leg work boy

just ask for a link next time instead of social engineering me. be better than the jew

youve shown me the error of my ways good sir

Who watches this dreck.

Well the sad truth is we do

As far as I'm concerned, this means it's ok to go after Landaus fat fucking pig wife

Is this recent? I thought Nana was dead.

Old wetbrain thinks he's going to get some traffic by pandering to us with this horse shit that stopped being funny 2 years ago. Pathetic. And PTSD Landau chiming in at the end takes this to another level. Boomerocide when.

Why hasnt tranpa killed keith? Is he really that fucking lazy?

And to think (a handful of people....and Bobo) this is actually content he'd have the nerve to charge people for. What an unwatchable, horrendous, pile of dog shit this is.

Dave Landau sounds like a homosexual man.

jesus Ant, that shit was debunked ages ago

Anthony looks and sounds depressed as fuck. I'd feel back for him if he wasn't such a pedo ghoul who's brought it all on himself.

Landau actually made me laugh with that last line.

Anthony is obsessed with trying to rile Opie up for the 130 subscribers compound media still has

Is Lonely Tony trying to start shit again? He doesn't even have the ability to spin up a little Opie hate anymore. This made me just feel sad for Ant. - The Chauncey Hayden days are over buddy. Welcome to obscurity.

Ant is such a passive aggressive faggot, what a hateable cunt he is, how did he become this?

Next guest on Anthony's radio show Ed Asner

You can tell Nana is finally starting to truly realize how much of an unlikeable washed up loser he's become and how he's on borrowed time with his dumb "podcasting network." Just look at the fucking body language with how he's sitting there stoop-shouldered and slumped over with his hairless little girl arms crossed. His eyes are constantly darting around hoping to catch some expression of genuine approval or amusement from someone rather than the fake reactions he gets from Blandau. He's got this vibe of somehow being both incredibly low energy yet extremely panicked at the same time.

He's got this vibe of somehow being both incredibly low energy yet extremely panicked at the same time.

Eventually the Xanax stops getting rid of your anxiety.

bam dumps greasy loads into lynsis throat while opie molests children

100% confirmed

God watching this clip again and it's revolting. He's so timid, christ. He can't even manufacture this radio war that's 4 years past its expiration date without looking like a senior citizen who needs hospice care.

what a piece of shit anthony is for even bringing this up again all these years later just to drum up some interest in that crap show, scumbag.

"I wanted to ask him about it even though I had already asked him about it and he cleared the air"

That stumbling can't be direct prick. Not everyone is a 14 year old you're trying to impress, you can just say what you want to say without the thinnest layer of innuendo. HOW IS HE SO BAD AT COMMUNICATING WHEN IT'S BEEN HIS ONLY JOB FOR 25 YEARS?

Awwwwww here we go

Seriously, why is that doofy, unbearable attention whore Keith even allowed to speak during the show?

Jesus, Dave's voice is almost as unbearable as Keith's personality.... What a crew Ant's assembled, huh?

So now that Bam flaked on them, they're going to pretend that there was some other motivation for having Bam on the show besides taking a passive aggressive shot at Opie. Allllllllllllllllllllllright.

It'll be a great day when Landau decides to bow out of this sinking ship

Just got off a one week suspension via Joe Cumia. I missed out on Gail Bennington getting by a dog; but I'm glad to be here for Anthony and Keith using another hopeless, pathetic addict for personal gain, only for it to blow up in their face.

Also, Dave Landau is a queer.

What human garbage this coward is.


So your wife cant have an ex-bf? Out of all of the shit these guys have talked about. Opie is a fag

Dave is the man. Fuck Artie. Those shows sucked.

They both suck but Artie was far worse.

weird hearing Keith say (or even know about) cum town

They were on Anthony's show once before Artie came on as co-cost.

i know and its still weird

What a fucking faggot this guy is, your life is in complete shambles and the thing you want to do is shit on the man that brought you up from being an unskilled dunce. Enjoy returning back to HVAC in your 60s faggot.

My God this landow guy is actually worse than Vic Henley

That stupid, raised eyebrow, about-to-smirk face of his is irrationally annoying. The gutless cowardly fag can't "entertain" his audience without dragging Opie's wife into his beer & xanax-soaked world of delusional faggotry but he doesn't have the balls to actually say anything, he just insinuates it like it's a confusing situation that needs to be "cleared up" and not his petty way of "striking back" against Opie for not rescuing his show for him.

So, was Bam on or not? They're talking like he cancelled or something.

He no show'd

God i hate Dave Landau so much. He's even dressing like his ghoul overlord now

There's something to be said about a show that the EP can produce while slumped on the couch in the lobby.

Opie should have Spaz on the show and listen to some old clips.

Why is he dressed like that?

Why do their cameras suck? They look out of focus