I've watched the new Ricky Gervais show so you don't have to

9  2019-03-08 by Dennyislife

Mawkish shite. Attempts to be dark but is surface level crap. Very light on laughs. I think a few things were attempts at laughs but currently unsure. It's so lazy he literally uses former cast members from his less successful work. And nearly every character you can hear Gervais say every line they say.

i gave it 3 episodes before i couldn't even hate watch it. I suspect it has a happy ending where he realises life is worth living. And he'll cry. He's good at that.


I’ve never really thought Ricky was super funny. I don’t hate him though.

How's the afeeism content?

oh theres a fair bit of that. And twitter trolls. And how dogs are great.

The dialog is awful. It's things people would never say or do.

I got 10 minutes in. It's very boring.

He went full retard with Derek and it made me realize he sucks

Wait he wasn't just supposed to be from Birmingham in that?

Lifes too short ( minius the barry, cheggers and les dennis 'characters') was when i realised he'd ran dry.

The office is genius and Extras is good enough for me not to dislike him though.

I liked it

Thank you. I shan't be watching it

There's no twist or anything clever at the end. I watched all six episodes and he realizes everyone has problems, says sorry, cleans up his house, and asks the nurse out. The end. Nothing remotely interesting happens.

My guess is that he got offered money for a new series, wrote it over the weekend, cast some friends in it, filmed it quickly, and pocketed the money. It's so stupidly contrived there's nothing good to say about it. At best I'd say he was hoping it to be a quietly successful series like Detectorists.

It's been getting huge amounts of plaudits on twitter.

I am baffled.

It's hardly a great look at grief or whatever its pretending to be. Too many characters are 'brutally honest' and say things bluntly like nobody would ever say in real life or come up with 'inspirational' quotes. It's utter utter shit.

I can see the usual crowd of retards saying how it "sheds light on taboo subjects" or something similarly banal, but if anything it is insulting to people going through grief.

  • He makes a couple of half-hearted attempts to kill himself but the dog barks or looks at him so he doesn't.

  • He gives a drug user enough money to deliberately overdose after the drug user says that's what he'd like to do. Drug user overdoses, and nothing really happens from it.

  • He threatens a child with a hammer, but buys him a bike so it's all ok.

  • Finds out his brother-in-law is having marital problems and this somehow brings his own life into focus enough to sort himself out.

  • He's obviously not over his wife dying and people think the solution is to tell him to be happy and set him up on a date.

It's like he took every shitty hack premise and character he could think of and put them all together. Even has a hooker with a heart of gold.