I'm not racist, child.

30  2019-03-08 by alphadromes


How do you even ask her to pose for this picture without sounding like a retard? I bet he was extra girly about it too. He probably clapped his hands under his chins while squealing and then interrupted her with "I HAVE to post this!!"

And a chop house for dinner. How original.

For what dumbass spent at that run-of-the-mill place, there's at least three or four nationally recognized places within two blocks.

I only wonder which one he could slit his throat with the best.

Hopefully the dullest one.

I agree in the sense that it would be hypothetically be the most painful but I can't risk a botched suicide from this insufferable windbag.

Yeah but imagine if every time he talked with his butchered throat his words sounded like farts and shit spewing from his mouth. It'd be pure pottery.

I can picture the claymation of it now.

Having the dullest thing in the restaurant cutting into the dullest thing in the restaurant?

He really is progressive Joe Cumia.


Yeah. And nice focus in that pic btw.

He has to document every interaction he has with people who are minorities because everyone knows he’s racist but he’s trying to prove he isn’t.

Do we know for sure he's not Joe Cumia?

As said above: He really is progressive Joe Cumia.

How the fuck is that bespoke? It isn't custom made for your fat faggoty ass, it' a few knives to chose from. If Walmart has a blue shirt, a red shit and a green shirt to choose from, does that make them a tailor providing bespoke clothing?

Fucking fat faggot.

He meant to write “these be spook steak knives”, which is a cruel racial slur


Its a shame Reddit pretends to love basic puns but will never appreciate this beauty. Made laugh like a retarded woman

What a fucking misfit. How does the conversation go when you ask your waitress to pose for your 15 Instagram followers?

Wrong way to use "bespoke," dumbass "writer."

We don't fuck around with DUIs in Arizona. Time to call this one in.

Accurate. My grandpa had to do time in arpaio's tent city for a DUI

Nice beefers

Scottsdale girls are cute.

Yeah, especially the ones with male pattern baldness.

I hate this guy so much it’s insane

If you couldn't tell, I do too.

He’s the type of dude to applaud the waiters after dinner

Nice beefers, child

Only faggots use the word "bespoke"

What a racist. He loves to take pictures of black women serving Massa!! I bet he even yelled, "Smile, negro! And pull your top down!" before clicking the shutter. This guy is unbelievable.

Patrick is a rube

whats going on with her left hand.. do i see a stupid word tattoo on her hand.

Images that blow britfags minds

The only spokes I want Fattrick around are on a Neon-Nazi'smotorcycle driving over his head.

He has a fetish for black people. Just like his ex' baby mama.

Server sounds awful, like a step above slave but two steps below serf

God damn I love titties

Does this guy do anything besides post pictures of himself eating and arguing with trolls?

What an annoying asshole. Just let the lady do her fucking job.

Why do Americans say server and not just waitress?

He probably didn't want to sound gender specific and sexist. Remember this guy is a faggot. I'm american and I call them waitresses.

Because we've gotten to a point that even acknowledging someone's gender is a risky move.

He is taking a photo because a restaurant provides silverware for its patrons to eat with.

What a midwestern rube. That's probably why he copies coastal women's phrases and coastal leftist politics -- he hates how much of a 40 yr old Wisconsite he is

Seriously. Why do people in fucking Minnesota feel the need to pretend to be LA faggots? You're state has a badass history of lumberjacks and wilderness. Why reject that so you can eat kale and bitch about micro aggressions?

Because Minnesota is still primarily populated by the white people that settled it and white people are ignorant and racist, child.

Don't forget about the cultured Somali imports.

Letting the customer choose their steak knife MIGHT BE the most gimmicky bullshit pretentious bullshit I've ever heard of any restaurant doing. This is the adult equivalent of Chuck E Cheese.

I don't know how old you are or if you from LI/NY, but it reminds of a restaurant named Big Barry's.Except Big Barry's is classier.

Jesus Christ, that doesn't even seem like a real restaurant. It seems like it's from a sitcom. It's like a place Frasier's dad would drag him to.

It was real. Dude was pretty small and he would come in sometimes during dinner time and make things awkward for everybody.

That's appetizing. Nothing goes better with a heavy steak dinner than awkward tension.

That waitress knows what her job is about. Tits out for tips

What a stupid fucking gimmick. "The food sucks, but man, did you look at that knife that I, Myself, picked out?"
