In Anthony's magnum opus "Permanently Suspended," the years 1975-1984 are mysteriously glossed over. Apart from a brief mention of his ladies man status and superior intelligence, his high school years and early 20s are completely left out.

13  2019-03-08 by McGowan9


I hope you illegally downloaded it

Mais bien sûr, mon chéri.

He dedicates a whole chapter (4 pages) to breaking his hand on Boomer's Nordic jaw but skips over 9 years - ages 14-23 - the time of a young man's life that should be filled with anecdotes.

Stories of love lost and found, learning experiences, friendship, sports, sex and getting fucked up. Finding out who you are and what you want in life. All absent.

His acne must have been leper level hideous if he just wants to forget about the prime of his youth.

He didn’t have any of those experiences because he was so busy with his home NASA studies. Don’t you believe him when he says he was at the library? His book seems like something from a well-read academic 😂 😂 😂

Is any male Cumia capable of honesty?

hey pal you’re hitting a little too close to home

Dropped out because math was too hard

Moved in with Joe and failed at attempting to become drug dealers.

Recorded O Dara.

Freebased with his mother.

Grew out a giant afro but still claims to be white.

Started fucking Joe's ugly girlfriend then married her.

Yeah, I don't know why he tried to memoryhole those years.

Well when you put it like that...

I think there was likely quite a bit of dick sucking during those formative years as well.

and freebasing with his mother

He was busy memorizing commercials

it was a pretty awesome book, I liked that he didn't make it long and boring. collectors are selling damaged versions for $30 on ebay so I think they are only going up in value in the future.

Ok, Pat. The "I Love Lucy" DVD boxset is also available right now on for the competitive price of $149.99!

You’d have to be a libtard not to see the value in a collectors item like this.


This is the first time I’ve ever really read an excerpt from this bullshit, and holy fuck is it written poorly. It’s written like a 5th grader writing a report about his summer. “I did this and that, and then I did this. And then we did that, but eventually I did this also. It was terrific”

And this is a really innocuous page too. Some of the parts where he tries to paint himself as some kind of Casanova pussy hound in his younger days are not just horribly written but so laughably cringeworthy too.

The whole thing reads as if he just drunkenly talked into a dictaphone for a couple of hours over a few afternoons and then one of the 2 conmen he paid to "ghostwrite" it just typed it up verbatim. Which is almost certainly exactly what happened.

“Really terrific” books!

What a fucking descriptor. Did he not have a thesaurus handy?

It’s written like a 5th grader

You are what you eat!

You mean the cystic acne years? There is no photos of that part of his life

What age was he when he had to go ask the underage girls parents permission to date her?


Didn't Nana always say he didn't graduate because he was short a gym credit? And here he is saying he dropped out as a junior.

It's almost like he's full of shit. A lot of homos are liars. Being in the closet turns them devious

Lots of magnum opus talk today... hacks

Parallel thinking, brothaman!

"Really terrific books" Jesus... get a thesaurus Anthony.

He had one but Joe stole it.

"I'd go to the library and find really terrific books and read them."


Would ya?

What a crazy story! Anthony has really led a wild life. I found another excerpt from his book:

*I would go to school and find my desk and sit in it and do my homework. Then I would get on the bus and sit on the seat and go home. Then when I got home I would sit at the dinner table and eat the dinner. I love CHICKS and TITS!-not.

Terrific books? Fag.

So basically Anthony was always a lazy half-assed scumbag who excelled at excusing away his idiocy and ineptitude by pretending he was actually ahead of the curve, unlike his high school friends who managed to pass PE.