Roast of r/opieandanthony

51  2019-03-08 by ItsMyDealHereWade

This subs really diverse it looks like the 50s space program.



Nice shirt, stupids.

“I didn’t bomb, fuck you!”

"BLOCKED! BACK TO OBSCURITY!! That's it. I'll give $5,000 to anyone who can shut down that sub."

Rational and measured response to criticism

What, too real?!

"Joe DeRosa... wait. He's not here. Well, I have two minutes on him, no point in wasting it..."

I don't know what that means but it's hilaaaarious!

u/jimnorton is a faggot

(that is more of a comment really...)

Cool thread OP.

Visio Soundbar, Muthafuckas!!!

I would rather watch Henry Fonda pick blueberries than read this subreddit.

This sub is less kind than an abortionist and this subs targets are more disadvantaged than a fetus.

Shit with these new laws that last bit was fucking hillarious, and sadly fucking true.

We keep the babuh cooofortable.

Ain't it fun? Living in the real world?

Nice ellipsis... stupid.

You should go pheasant hunting with Dick Cheney while using Kurt Cobain's shotgun equipped with a toe-trigger attachment and I hope you slip in an AIDS puddle , stupid lol

Nice example of things that aren't diverse, stupid